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Forums - Sales Discussion - EA cutting more jobs, issues warnings of lower sales and profit

I remember reading about it yesterday...if I´m not mistaken, EA is not particularly pleased with Mirrors Edge and Rock Band 2, but said Dead Space has sold "fairly well" (whatever they consider that).

Well, I love Dead Space, so I´d like to see a sequel.

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JGarret said:
I remember reading about it yesterday...if I´m not mistaken, EA is not particularly pleased with Mirrors Edge and Rock Band 2, but said Dead Space has sold "fairly well" (whatever they consider that).

Well, I love Dead Space, so I´d like to see a sequel.

(bolded) Are you sure about that? I think the announcement only came out a few hours ago, which is why their stock went down 11.52% today (and a further 9.56% in after-hours trading).


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

The Wii boxart really kill the sales of Madden


i think it was the wii demographic itself... madden isn't the only "hardcore" game that didn't do well on the wii.

TheSource said:

I don't know what EA expected internally, but Spore probably underperformed because it was "the most pirated game ever" and it looks like Mirror's Edge underperformed.

I really think they missed the boat not releasing Rockband 2 on Wii and PS2 this holiday. That could have covered alot of other mishaps because the game costs more and would be selling to bigger bases.

But apparently Rock Band 1 is selling very well on PS2 and Wii (especially) though right?  Or is this because of discounted prices?

Do you think that Dead Space also under-performed too?  Or was it supposed to do that little?

Kasz216 said:
DMeisterJ said:
DMeisterJ said:
The Wii boxart really kill the sales of Madden

Joke post?

Oh no, you again?

Yes, it's always me.

Back to you, are you serious in your original post, or no?

@ Godot

It was torrented 1.7 million times right?  That's probably part of the problem.   The game apparenlty wasn't too good either.  But what did they expect?  And what did it sell?

I disagree.

It's a great game.  The only problem is people came in expecting five games... instead of just the one.

That was the problem with the marketing.

They tried to make it seem like it was five games.

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"This one comes from games "insider," Gamesblow, who says he's been sent a "pretty detailed run down of what to expect from God of War 3" by an informant."

Can't trust this....

4 ≈ One

Jo21 said:
The Wii boxart really kill the sales of Madden


i think it was the wii demographic itself... madden isn't the only "hardcore" game that didn't do well on the wii.


 Since when is Madden hardcore?

I wonder if EA, and other 3rd party publishers, could "force" HD console owners into purchasing Wiis and Wii titles, by simply not producing HD titles any longer. Would they benefit from lighter development costs, even though their demographics would initially be not-so-easily targetted?

Would enough of the existing gaming populace be willing to ditch their HD consoles, for a future of Wii-grade developments, due to declining profit margins and rising development costs?

Groucho said:
I wonder if EA, and other 3rd party publishers, could "force" HD console owners into purchasing Wiis and Wii titles, by simply not producing HD titles any longer. Would they benefit from lighter development costs, even though their demographics would initially be not-so-easily targetted?

Would enough of the existing gaming populace be willing to ditch their HD consoles, for a future of Wii-grade developments, due to declining profit margins and rising development costs?

If the developers all jumped ship, the consumer would have to follow or they wouldn't have any games to play.

Khuutra said:
Groucho said:
I wonder if EA, and other 3rd party publishers, could "force" HD console owners into purchasing Wiis and Wii titles, by simply not producing HD titles any longer. Would they benefit from lighter development costs, even though their demographics would initially be not-so-easily targetted?

Would enough of the existing gaming populace be willing to ditch their HD consoles, for a future of Wii-grade developments, due to declining profit margins and rising development costs?

If the developers all jumped ship, the consumer would have to follow or they wouldn't have any games to play.

That's the question though.  Would that fly, as a development strategy?  Same old, same old?  I realize that the Wii opens up some new horizons with its controller, but on the whole, its not really that big of a revolution at all.

Would the PS2, or some sorta new PS2.5, make a comeback?  Would console gaming die out, if they got... I hate to say it this way but... stagnant, in those terms?

What would happen to the console games industry, if console generations really only happened every 15 years, instead of every 7?