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Forums - Sony Discussion - LittleBigPlanet level inspiration!

I'm am planning on making a level in LBP, which I will need to get me many trophies!!!

When I tried making a level in the beta, I just found my level a bit dull. Any themes you would suggest, or any specific features?

This is going to take me a long time, so don't expect any results over night! This is still in the planning phase

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your on the planning stage of a plan?


edit: make a haze level.

Plan a level about the feeling you want to achieve :P

I have plans to make a level entitled "Momentum". Because during gameplay, sections of the game that let you keep your pace, while collecting bubble after bubble thus letting you get some huge rewarding chain feels awesome!!!! Just hearing the pitch of the notes get higher and higher is lust worthy @_@ I'll repeat stuff like that just to attempt to get it all in one run. I think it's rewarding, and totally challenging :)

Another section I really dig, are the ones where you use the trampolines to get higher and higher into the air. I would make a level that focused on something like that.

Essentially take elements that you thought were so much fun, and put together a level in a way you would LOVE to play it. Challenge yourself because you were so awesome at those segments, and the difficulty will come naturally :P

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Make a star trek level! Thats what i wanted to do

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

I like the ideas of trampolines, and getting massive height, I did manage to create something in the beta which sent me flying up to the ceiling.

Of course I will be creating tons of bubbles! Always great fun!

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im planning on makin a alien abduction lvl, it start on earth and then goes inside the alien ship. you can try to make it

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

See that's a great start ^^ Just work with trampolines, and make something that's manageable :D Don't launch yourself so high that you have no control ^^ Cuz then your not really playing it, it's playing you!

Just make a ton of what you thought was really fun, and you'll find ways to make it interesting for you. :P

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.


I would say try to make something related to space then

spaceships n stuff

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

ChronotriggerJM said:
See that's a great start ^^ Just work with trampolines, and make something that's manageable :D Don't launch yourself so high that you have no control ^^ Cuz then your not really playing it, it's playing you!

Just make a ton of what you thought was really fun, and you'll find ways to make it interesting for you. :P

It has to be more than just interesting for me, I need it be played loads and hearted a lot for the trophy! I don't think I can just rely on PSN friends to heart me

Then don't! If you make it interesting for yourself, then people with similar tastes will love it :D It'll get popular super quick ^_^ Remember, your going to be your hardest critic. If you had a blast with your own level, and it's a commonly enjoyed thing, then people will eat it up! Make it fun!

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.