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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What was the hardest Zelda game of all time?

Zelda II. There were countless flying enemies that would knock you into pits. Knights that could block your high attacks while attacking low (which means you cannot block) or visa versa. I remember it taking a few minutes to take 1 down and these were common enemies (God help you if you took on 2 at once). The spells required to fight the 2nd to last boss required so much magic that you couldn't cast Life.

Zelda was hard but mainly it required a lot of trial and error (how I hated running off screen so my blue candle would recharge so I could burn another bush). However, the 2nd play through (or first if you used Zelda as your name) was almost as bad as Zelda II. Dungeons were moved. I think you had to partially go through some to pick up an item needed for another dungeon. Wizards and knights were in most dungeons and were a far bigger threat then the dungeon bosses. Mini bosses were also everywhere. One-way doors (which could be invisible) could make you retrace an entire level. This was some of the most frustrating and fun gaming I've ever had.

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Zelda 2 was mainly hard because the combat was sidescrolling. In all the other Zelda's, you can move around in the 4 cardinal directions to avoid your enemy, then strike and work him down. Zelda 2, on the other hand, the enemies would come at you straight on and you had no escape except to run backwards, which you obviously couldnt advance if you did.

@Spitefull49, it was easier when you got the down stab (now notably also a key move in Link's smash Bros repetoir), but its still was far from easy, because some enemies had helmets on their head that prevented them to being attacked only like that.

In terms of 3d Zelda's, Majora's Mask is probably the hardest.

Oh my God, that graveyard in Zelda II makes me want to fucking kill myself. And if anyone in here doesn't say Zelda II, they haven't played, are kidding themselves, or are just trying to sound different.

Roma said:
Well I haven’t played all the 2D Zeldas so I will pick OoT Master-Qwest

Is Master Quest that much harder than OoT and is it worth it?  I am debating between buying OoT on the VC or spending $35+ on eBay to also get Master Quest.


Phrancheyez said:
Twilight Princess - the controls made it extremely difficult for me to bear playing all the way through. They were fun for the first little while, but I'm like 2 dungeons from finishing the game still and I got it (and got that far) when it first came out. Games like that, especially since there was another non-motion version (gamecube), they really should give you an option of whether you want to use the Wii-Mote or not..Zelda is a game the I believe very strongly should not have those controls.

I know many will disagree, but this is the first and only Zelda I haven't played all the way through (and thoroughly enjoyed), and it's purely because of controls.

Do you have Pakinson's desease or something? The controls were incredible, I was using my bow all the time because for once I could aim perfectly!

OT: Zelda II was indeed to toughest of them all. The final dungeon was so long and hard. Shadow Link was easy (keep hitting down) but Thunderbird before him was really challenging. You had to use all your magic just to start the fight (Shield, Jump, Thunder)


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Zelda II made me cry.
It's not Battletoads or Ghouls, but it comes pretty close. F*ck the sidescrolling crap. Even the first temple is hard because of the damn awkward jump+slash-your-sword moves.

Zelda I was easy. It's the only one I've beaten.

I would say Ocarina. Never got past the first dungeon... (But I got all 120 stars on SM64, to show I'm not just bad at games)

Zelda 2 has the hardest and most annoying final boss ever.

Zelda II for sure. I could get close to the end of the last temple after lots of tries, but I cannot beat the Thunderbird thingy... I never got to Dark Link even...

After that Master Quest is pretty hard too, but not as hard as Zelda II...

like everyone said zelda 2