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Forums - Sales Discussion - (Japan) it makes no sense for SE to keep FF XIII exclusive

IU and TLR weren't accepted too well in the homeland, FFXIII won't change the games from not being and selling good.

It would only satisfy a few gamers in JP. Just look at all the multi-plat PS360 Japan-centric games that launch at the same time. It's like a 5:1 ratio (completely false number, but you get the idea). And like someone said, this would push FFXIII back because the localization and 360 development are going to happen at the same time, but developing the 360 game now would make the game come out later. It could be a few days, weeks, or months, but adding another platform this stage in the game isn't going to shorten development time, lol. And it doesn't make sense for the lack of sales it's going to receive in return. If the money it will take them to make a JP version of the 360 game was good enough to get any kind of Return on investment, we would be seeing it in JP, but they know it won't sell that well.

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The problem is that they have have not started the 360 port yet. SE would not delay releasing the game in Japan to wait for a Japanese port for the 360.

6 months late + very small 360 install base in Japan = not a very important for SE. It is also a big favor to Sony, and a small concession for SE. The 360 market share in the rest of the world is what SE is focusing on.

Tremble said:
because 150k FFXIII sold in japan is not really important. They need to keep it ps3 exclusive in japan to satisfy playstation fans (psp+ps3)

Ummm, I don't think SE cares about keeping Sony's fans happy. They are about keeping their fans happy/making money. Namely the later.

Exclusives only matter to the fanboys. SE can make more money in the situation.

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Smashchu2 said:
Tremble said:
because 150k FFXIII sold in japan is not really important. They need to keep it ps3 exclusive in japan to satisfy playstation fans (psp+ps3)

Ummm, I don't think SE cares about keeping Sony's fans happy. They are about keeping their fans happy/making money. Namely the later.

Exclusives only matter to the fanboys. SE can make more money in the situation.


 DO you really think that SE gives a fuck about Sony or Microsoft they just want to sell games and make money =O

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

How much money would FFXIII in 360 make, and would the revenue they made on that version equal up to the amount lost by making a JP version of the game, and delaying the game's launch from 2009 to 2010?

Or maybe they didn't want to pay for FF 13's budget in its entirety.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but......

Square said themselves that XIII hasn't even been ported to the PS3 yet, so it'd be entirely feasable that they decide to port both at the same time and save $$$ due to localizing at the same time.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Dallinor said:

Sony kept it exclusive in Japan because that's the region where the title will push the most hardware.

If we assume Microsoft threw millions of dollars at SE to make it multiplatform, Sony probably did not (wisely), want to enter a pointless bidding war to keep the title exclusive.

Yet why is it exclusive in Japan? Why didn't MS drive home the stake?

We can only speculate. Either Sony outmanoeuvred MS somehow behind the scenes, or they simply opened their own wallet to keep it in that region.

Thaty is exacly it. Sony owns 8 percent of square enix. My guess is that they used thsoe 8 percent to keep ffxiii exclusive in japan.


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