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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony: Motorstorm Pacific Rift hits over a million sold

dejelek said:
desperate moves by sony, it is not even made to NPD, UK chart, vgchartz or other chartz, they using "sold" not shipped.

even retail musing, by member here, or neogaf, mention, this game is bombed hard.

wow sony..

Funny, M$ has lowered the price of the 360 at least 4 times in 2 years and know one call them desperate. Whats funny is all those parents buying a 360 for £129 just to find out after Christmas they will need to shell out for a hard drive to get the most out of it. M$-sneaking at advertising. Parents-read the small print. 

All that matters is i have Pacifict Rift and it's a great game.

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Gabriel84 said:
how? it didn't chart high in any charts!
VGCharts could be wrong but the official charts won't be wrong!!
I'd say sony is overtracked it.

Sony can't legally overtrack shipments.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Well the good news for PS3 owners is with all the overstock at stores you can expect to be picking this game up for 29.99 sooner rather than later.

Squall_Leonhart said:
I would imagine that this is sold to retail also rather than to the customer but i do find it hard to believe that makes over 750,000 copies sitting on shop shelves... Seems a little too high for me! I think it would possibly mean this has been undertracked, it does happen but people only seem to complain when it is on the PS3 rather than the 360 or the Wii...

People did expect it to be really successful... and it wasn't.

It doesn't seem like too much to me.


Squall_Leonhart said:
I would imagine that this is sold to retail also rather than to the customer but i do find it hard to believe that makes over 750,000 copies sitting on shop shelves... Seems a little too high for me! I think it would possibly mean this has been undertracked, it does happen but people only seem to complain when it is on the PS3 rather than the 360 or the Wii...

People did expect it to be really successful... and it wasn't.

It doesn't seem like too much to me.

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outlawauron said:
Gabriel84 said:
how? it didn't chart high in any charts!
VGCharts could be wrong but the official charts won't be wrong!!
I'd say sony is overtracked it.

Sony can't legally overtrack shipments.

They can't overtrack but they can be misinformed.  Everyone if the company isn't expected to know every fact.

I believe it would only be against the law if this happened in an official press release or statement.

In an interview where your asked a question off hand...


TKC-Muzzer said:
I love the way everyone assumes VGCharts is correct, they could be making it up every week and stringing everyone along, who would know.


Everyone?  Since we get numbers from other trackers?

congrats to Sony.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

Guys... stop with the "shipped" vs "sold" debate.

Software is sold "in" and "through". "Sell in" is the number sold to retailers -- it is out of the manufacturers hands at that point. "Sell through" is the number sold, by retailers, to consumers. The ONLY way for a retailer to return software is to return it via a consumer returning it (i.e. claiming its "defective" or if still unopened "not what they wanted"). Other than that, the retailer owns the software once they purchase it (at much discounted prices) from the manufacturer. They can get a rebate from the manufacturer, if the manufacturer calls for an across-the-board price cut on the software, however, and they still have units in their possession.

"1 million sold" means "1 million sell-in", which means Sony sold that many copies to retailers. That doesn't guarantee that it makes it into consumer hands without being severly discounted/clearanced -- its up to the retailer to not over-order and to handle their own inventory. They don't get a "get of out debt free" card from the software publisher -- they cannot hand it back at will. They have to sell it, if they want to recover their investment.

Sony probably sold each copy of M:PR to retailers for around $25 each. The retailers have plenty of room to chop the price before it becomes a loss for them.  In any case, Sony sold these games to retailers (not consumers).  

VGChartz tracks sell-through (retail sales to consumers), not sell-in, so its bound to be less than Sony's own sell-in numbers.  VGChartz is probably fairly accurate, in most cases, including this one, in that regard.


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