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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony slashing jobs, leaving unprofitable businesses

NJ5 said:


smallflyingtaco said:
NJ5 said:

PS: Yes, I know there are mitigating factors in that some expenses are paid in $/€ too, but still...



I was also under the impression this is a longer term benefit, that the commodities are often bought on longer term contracts not enabling a quick response to market changes.

Well, not all the foreign currency expenses are commodities, Sony also has plenty of workers abroad. Besides if the commodities are paid in dollars, the savings in Yen terms will be immediate in that area...


Sorry about the late response, review sessions and grading are keeping me busy.  What I meant about a long term benefit is that when you sell a commodity, at least oil, it is no usually an immediate sale but a future sale.  You sell a contract to deliver X amount of oil at Y date.  You sell that at some current price.  These contracts are either then held on to as you want the material or resold to someone else who will take delivery.  In this sort of system you often find that you bought the commodity months to years before you ever get it. Companies often hedge against future increases by buying present contracts, which has the down side that when prices fall you can not immediately benefit from that happening.


Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad

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heruamon said:
kowenicki said:
PSN costs money and is free.... I'm guessing this wholsale review will mean that changes pretty soon.

Maintenance of home is going to be HUGE...24-7 staff for worldwide support, server support, regular back-up of data, patches...see WoW to gauge cost for operating such a large online space...or better yet, the sims online.



home is going to run off money from ADS... as now ubisoft and red bull are confirmed .

Jo21 said:
heruamon said:
kowenicki said:
PSN costs money and is free.... I'm guessing this wholsale review will mean that changes pretty soon.

Maintenance of home is going to be HUGE...24-7 staff for worldwide support, server support, regular back-up of data, patches...see WoW to gauge cost for operating such a large online space...or better yet, the sims online.


home is going to run off money from ADS... as now ubisoft and red bull are confirmed .

MSFT does the same in dash but still cost money.  I foresee a charge for PSN sometime, if ever so slightly cheaper than MSFT.


Jo21 said:
heruamon said:
kowenicki said:
PSN costs money and is free.... I'm guessing this wholsale review will mean that changes pretty soon.

Maintenance of home is going to be HUGE...24-7 staff for worldwide support, server support, regular back-up of data, patches...see WoW to gauge cost for operating such a large online space...or better yet, the sims online.



home is going to run off money from ADS... as now ubisoft and red bull are confirmed .

If you say...but I've yet to see it work, but I guess sony is going to pioneer the way, although they better get started quick, since their finances are taking a serious beating.


"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

I have to say it is going to be interesting to see what the future of the playstation brand is. Some people were discussing the PS4 earlier which is interesting. R+D costs for a new console are pretty high. The PS3 was lucky in that the huge success of the PS2 managed to offset it's development costs. However with the PS4 sony are going to have be to developing it when the PS3 is making huge losses.

I find it strange people keep talking about how the Games divison has always been a great earner for Sony. In the last few years it has managed to destroy a huge amount of the profits it made over all the previous years. The games division made money because sony were selling a 100million consoles and were the comfortable market leader. Realistically the PS3 is never going to reach 100million. To carry on in the console market Sony need to invest in the PS4 while struggling to make money with the Ps3. In the foreseeable future the games division of sony is not going to be strong. If they want to carry on in the market then by the time the PS3 is making some money it will need to be developing the PS4.

Im sure the PS3 isn't going to go under but if sony go on to make a PS4 seems pretty hit or miss at the moment.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.

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Well if there was ever a time to buy some Sony stock, seems to be me that it would be now.



Zim said:
I have to say it is going to be interesting to see what the future of the playstation brand is. Some people were discussing the PS4 earlier which is interesting. R+D costs for a new console are pretty high. The PS3 was lucky in that the huge success of the PS2 managed to offset it's development costs. However with the PS4 sony are going to have be to developing it when the PS3 is making huge losses.

I find it strange people keep talking about how the Games divison has always been a great earner for Sony. In the last few years it has managed to destroy a huge amount of the profits it made over all the previous years. The games division made money because sony were selling a 100million consoles and were the comfortable market leader. Realistically the PS3 is never going to reach 100million. To carry on in the console market Sony need to invest in the PS4 while struggling to make money with the Ps3. In the foreseeable future the games division of sony is not going to be strong. If they want to carry on in the market then by the time the PS3 is making some money it will need to be developing the PS4.

Im sure the PS3 isn't going to go under but if sony go on to make a PS4 seems pretty hit or miss at the moment.



I don't mean this in an inflammatory way, but ps3 is probably going to go the way of the orig xbox.  Sony can leverage the R&D used to create the ps3 and basically turn the ps4 into a souped up ps3, thereby increasing capability and reducing cost.  They should probably also HEAVILY pursue Nintendo and M$ to use brd as the next format for those consoles, thereby solidfying brd's future as a medium for future consoles.  Sure, they would have to give up some licensing fees to get them onboard, but sony would be able to make up the difference in brd movie sales on ALL consoles.  They tried to unilaterally push brd in this generation, and it failed miserably.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

MontanaHatchet said:
Well if there was ever a time to buy some Sony stock, seems to be me that it would be now.

Actually their stock went up after these news. I wouldn't touch their stock with a 10-foot pole, I think we've only seen the tip of the iceberg.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

There is a phrase they use on Wall Street, "Don't catch a falling knife."

I might, might look into grabbing some of their stock in... I dunno, May.