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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone 2: Best reviewed game of all time

Cidien said:

Because of the pathetic number of people that own a ps3 and actually buy games for it, i'd be willing to bet my life savings (if that were possible) that it won't get even remotely close to the sales of halo 3.  Anyone expecting it to is either a rabid fanboy or a moron.  Wait, same thing.  Seriously though, once its launched the only thing fanboys will talk about is the rating of the game, because the sales numbers are going to be much lower than they're claiming it will be right now.  R2 anyone?  That game sold way worse than I was expecting.  Before it came out people wern't hardly even talking about killzone.  Now R2 failed and it's all up to killzone I guess.


Check PS3 software sales buddy, (hell, use Vgchartz!) They're doing just fine.

Not one is expecting it to rival Halo 3 in terms of sales. The PS3 simply does not have a large enough install base in America, or enough hardcore FPS owners.

What are you talking about? Killzone 2 has been hyped since 2005. Resistance 2 wasn't even announced until 2007. As far as I'm concerned, as a PS3 owner, Killzone 2 was always the bigger, more hyped title.


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Parasitic said:

There won't ever be a Halo 3 killer unless some company did a rip-off of it but improved upon everything, making Halo 3 obsolete. KZ2 and Halo have different playstyles. KZ2 is aimed abit more at realism. I thought the idea of making it a sci-fi FPS without lasers and aliens was awesome. Halo 3 feels abit more casual - it's easier to jump into. It's a much more colorful game...not literally (but I guess it can be literal if you're comparing to KZ2's scenery), but the guns have alot more variety and functions.

A great-quality game can only be "killed" if another game with very similar style outperforms it in every way. I find KZ2's whole gameplay style and visuals more attractive, but that wouldn't stop me from buying Halo 2/3 if they were on PS3.


colonelstubbs said:
It has the graphics but um...does it have the gameplay?


 Most of the people that played the SP/MP betas will give you a big yes. The insane amount of hype that the game's been getting is expected. The quality/gameplay of the full game is still questionable though.


"A great-quality game can only be "killed" if another game with very similar style outperforms it in every way. I find KZ2's whole gameplay style and visuals more attractive, but that wouldn't stop me from buying Halo 2/3 if they were on PS3."

-> So it is compared to what ? COD ?


" Most of the people that played the SP/MP betas will give you a big yes. The insane amount of hype that the game's been getting is expected. The quality/gameplay of the full game is still questionable though."

-> Hype always leads to disappointment (especially on the PS3...), so that is definitly note the postive factor for a game.




Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

Man.. this joke thread is awesome.

Pixel Art can be fun.

SmokedHostage said:
Man.. this joke thread is awesome.

You suck.

Can we get the OP perma-banned if this game does not outsell Halo 3??? I think its only fair since he's completely sure that this game will outsell Halo.

What are you looking at, nerd?
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Dallinor said:
Cidien said:

Because of the pathetic number of people that own a ps3 and actually buy games for it, i'd be willing to bet my life savings (if that were possible) that it won't get even remotely close to the sales of halo 3.  Anyone expecting it to is either a rabid fanboy or a moron.  Wait, same thing.  Seriously though, once its launched the only thing fanboys will talk about is the rating of the game, because the sales numbers are going to be much lower than they're claiming it will be right now.  R2 anyone?  That game sold way worse than I was expecting.  Before it came out people wern't hardly even talking about killzone.  Now R2 failed and it's all up to killzone I guess.


Check PS3 software sales buddy, (hell, use Vgchartz!) They're doing just fine.

Not one is expecting it to rival Halo 3 in terms of sales. The PS3 simply does not have a large enough install base in America, or enough hardcore FPS owners.

What are you talking about? Killzone 2 has been hyped since 2005. Resistance 2 wasn't even announced until 2007. As far as I'm concerned, as a PS3 owner, Killzone 2 was always the bigger, more hyped title.

ACTUALLY if memory serves me right, the 360 was about the same number the PS3 is at right now when Halo 3 came out. So your argument that it won't have enough install base is wrong. KZ2 won't do as good because Halo 3 is better perdio.


What are you looking at, nerd?
Sardauk said:
Parasitic said:

There won't ever be a Halo 3 killer unless some company did a rip-off of it but improved upon everything, making Halo 3 obsolete. KZ2 and Halo have different playstyles. KZ2 is aimed abit more at realism. I thought the idea of making it a sci-fi FPS without lasers and aliens was awesome. Halo 3 feels abit more casual - it's easier to jump into. It's a much more colorful game...not literally (but I guess it can be literal if you're comparing to KZ2's scenery), but the guns have alot more variety and functions.

A great-quality game can only be "killed" if another game with very similar style outperforms it in every way. I find KZ2's whole gameplay style and visuals more attractive, but that wouldn't stop me from buying Halo 2/3 if they were on PS3.


colonelstubbs said:
It has the graphics but um...does it have the gameplay?


 Most of the people that played the SP/MP betas will give you a big yes. The insane amount of hype that the game's been getting is expected. The quality/gameplay of the full game is still questionable though.


"A great-quality game can only be "killed" if another game with very similar style outperforms it in every way. I find KZ2's whole gameplay style and visuals more attractive, but that wouldn't stop me from buying Halo 2/3 if they were on PS3."

-> So it is compared to what ? COD ?


" Most of the people that played the SP/MP betas will give you a big yes. The insane amount of hype that the game's been getting is expected. The quality/gameplay of the full game is still questionable though."

-> Hype always leads to disappointment (especially on the PS3...), so that is definitly note the postive factor for a game.



Are you incapable of enjoying more than 1 game at any given period of time ? because if so, then i can (almost to some extend if i look beyond your humongous trolling) understand why you would be inclined to have games kill eachother.

I will say that from the looks of it. Killzone 2 will be better than halo 3 in every single possible aspect. Does that make it a halo killer ? no. They might both be shooters but thir gameplay is different. Their time setting is different and so on. Same with call of duty. It doesn't play exacly like call of duty, but it learns towards it more than some other shooters. It won't kill cod. But i'm sure it'll get it's own fanbase.

It might not sell like hell, but that doesn't mean it's worse than titles that does. The fact of the matter is that inferior titles often outsell superior titles if nothing else then due to marketing.


Check out my game about moles ^

StanGable said:
Dallinor said:
Cidien said:

Because of the pathetic number of people that own a ps3 and actually buy games for it, i'd be willing to bet my life savings (if that were possible) that it won't get even remotely close to the sales of halo 3.  Anyone expecting it to is either a rabid fanboy or a moron.  Wait, same thing.  Seriously though, once its launched the only thing fanboys will talk about is the rating of the game, because the sales numbers are going to be much lower than they're claiming it will be right now.  R2 anyone?  That game sold way worse than I was expecting.  Before it came out people wern't hardly even talking about killzone.  Now R2 failed and it's all up to killzone I guess.


Check PS3 software sales buddy, (hell, use Vgchartz!) They're doing just fine.

Not one is expecting it to rival Halo 3 in terms of sales. The PS3 simply does not have a large enough install base in America, or enough hardcore FPS owners.

What are you talking about? Killzone 2 has been hyped since 2005. Resistance 2 wasn't even announced until 2007. As far as I'm concerned, as a PS3 owner, Killzone 2 was always the bigger, more hyped title.

ACTUALLY if memory serves me right, the 360 was about the same number the PS3 is at right now when Halo 3 came out. So your argument that it won't have enough install base is wrong. KZ2 won't do as good because Halo 3 is better perdio.


Playstation has always had a more diverse fanbase so your argument fails. Killzone 2 wont do as good as halo 3 because of halo 1, halo 2, marketing of halo (cnn showed a clip of killzone 2 E3 07 trailer when showing it off ;) ) and the fact that the 360 was and (might to some extend) concidered the "Shooter" console. (admittedly it's not something you hear as often now as then)


Check out my game about moles ^

Nothing can beat GTA4 scores. Killzone 2 will prob gt 9.2-9.8 on IGN

^^this thread is a joke,,I hope you realized that