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Cidien said:

Because of the pathetic number of people that own a ps3 and actually buy games for it, i'd be willing to bet my life savings (if that were possible) that it won't get even remotely close to the sales of halo 3.  Anyone expecting it to is either a rabid fanboy or a moron.  Wait, same thing.  Seriously though, once its launched the only thing fanboys will talk about is the rating of the game, because the sales numbers are going to be much lower than they're claiming it will be right now.  R2 anyone?  That game sold way worse than I was expecting.  Before it came out people wern't hardly even talking about killzone.  Now R2 failed and it's all up to killzone I guess.


Check PS3 software sales buddy, (hell, use Vgchartz!) They're doing just fine.

Not one is expecting it to rival Halo 3 in terms of sales. The PS3 simply does not have a large enough install base in America, or enough hardcore FPS owners.

What are you talking about? Killzone 2 has been hyped since 2005. Resistance 2 wasn't even announced until 2007. As far as I'm concerned, as a PS3 owner, Killzone 2 was always the bigger, more hyped title.