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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is Sackboy still Sony's mascot? Also, why didn LBP sell?

wow what a stupid thread. Its basically a million in what? 4 weeks!

How many new IP's do that. I know Uncharted didn't reach 1 million that quick and its 2 million now.

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Sackboy is the new Sony mascot.

As Crash once was.

Once LBP 2 is out, it will be a 5 million seller, hey don't say LBP hasn't sold yet. Just wait 1.5 before end of 08



Is it LBP hate day or something?

I don't know tons of new IPs that sell 2 million in five weeks, or tons of new IPs that manage 1 million in five weeks either.

I'm most assured that LBP is doing fine, but you (The O.P.), I'm not too sure.

I have personally found LBP to be a bit frustrating at times. It's a great game but I think the content that it shipped with doesn't have the right difficulty curve.

Maybe the word of mouth with this game hasn't been as great as hoped? A game like this is trying to appeal to the casual and hard core gamer, to the kids and the adults. It's a game of discovery too as you get to try other created levels and embark on your own level creation. I think the content it shipped with was poorly balanced with the difficulty curve and possibly the game is being judged too hard by the non-hardcore gamer too hard because of that? Therefore it's word of mouth is a bit poor.

BHR-3 said:
if they don't sony always has Jax and Daxter next year console is still to high in price for casual gamer to buy it for not alot of casual gamers own a ps3 right now 360 is doing damage with 199 price for those potential ps3 buyers



oh my god how much i would love to see a new Jak and Daxter game!!

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colonelstubbs said:
The game will continue to will make it their mascot



4 ≈ One

I have to say that I haven't heard anything bad about LBP. In fact the buzz is very good. The only knock on it seems to be that it's not selling well. A dubious thought, to be sure. Just because it isn't the game that is going to singlehandedly pull the PS3 to the front of the pack, doesn't make it a bad game. It's more an indictment on the relatively small amount of PS3 owners there are out there. If there were 100mil PS3s out there and sales were like this, then I would be worried. Give it some time. The game has serious legs.

1) Sony never declared it a mascot as far as I can tell.
2) For that matter, I don't think Sony ever had a mascot.
3) Only people who were delusional thought that LBP would pull in Mario type numbers. That's just not the PS3 audience. Hell, even if LBP were on the Wii it wouldn't pull in Mario numbers. At this rate it'll probably top out around 2million, which is perfectly respectable given the genre and user base.

I stand by my LTD prediction of 3 to 4 million, if it passes that i promised in another thread that i will use my opinion space in my sig to say "LBP IS COLOSSUS" for a month...

Dinomax said:
Seeing how the internet pretty much jumped on the ""Wait for Killzone 2!"" bandwagon after LBP failed to live up to the unrealistic expectations.

Move over Sack boy, on to the PSP with you to make way for more burly shooters or something with killing for god's sake.

LBP = success.

Killzone 2 = probable success.

You = Fail.


