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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Best Hack and slash?

Khuutra said:
Diablo is like the classic all-time hack and slash game that isn't Gauntlet

You can't even argue that


Maybe this should be reworded to: "Best one-guy-with-a-sword-or-two-going-against-1-6-enemies-at-a-time-on-a-specific-platform?"

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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Well not that it's the best (I would argue it isn't) but that it is a hack-and-slash can't really be argued.

linkthe2nd said:
vlad321 said:
linkthe2nd said:
I... don't think diablo is a hack and slash game.....

Devil may cry 4 was loads of fun, but I can NOT get myself to beat hell or hell... Makes all your hard earned blue orbs useless....Grumble.......
I did like Dynasty warriors for a time, until I realized that the ai is garbage...


It sure is a hack and slash. It's aslo a badass RPG.

One hero. Check.

Thousads of baddies. Check

Dozens upon Dozens of skills and spells with which to do horrible things to aforementioned baddies. Check.

Fast paced combat. Check.


Everything seems in order here.


Um, I really wouldn't define that as a hack and slash game. It's definitely just an rpg seeing as how its' from the top down view, weapons that don't have any hacking or slashing involved such as bows and staves, and the reliance on skills compared to other games.

I'd say hack and slash games are usually in a 3d environment where the player gets specific control onver how he is going to kill the x number of baddies using combos and the like. Not skills that buff your attack or make you spin quickly making a blade whirwind and damaging the enemy's hp.


Games like Diablo largely invented the hack & slash genre, a term which does not imply that it cannot contain bludgeoning or piercing weapons, it is rather a select term used to identify games that have a simple and straightforward element of simply pressing one single button (mouse 1 on the most part) that triggers one single type of attack that mow down scores and scores of enemies. No hit combos or fancy moves, just lines upon lines of baddies to hack & slash to bits. The simplicity of gameplay (execution that is, they may contain RPG elements that lend depth outside of execution), number of enemies and overall unflexible and unvarying outlay/setup of maps and locations are what signify a true hack & slash game.In this regard, action titles share quite a few traits with the old Sega fighting titles like Final Fight, where you progress in a "3D" environment rather than remain static in a bout arena throughout, even boss matches were implemented in much the same way in these titles.

Like many others pointed out, games like God of War, Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry belong in the action category, along with games such as Uncharted and the Tomb Raider titles. Severance for PC and Deathtrap Dungeon were among the first pure titles in the 3D action (fantasy) genre and even modern games only stray slightly from the old recipe as is clearly seen in features/functions and overall style of gameplay.

To say that Diablo is not a true Hack & Slash and that games like Ninja Gaiden is, is truly a sign that you don't understand differences and genre specific elements to a certain degree. NG is no more a H&S than Splinter Cell in a sense and God of War has more in common with Zelda games than Diablo (save for depth and massive environments, that is).


Edit; I see you mention asserting control over how you dispatch x number of baddies as a primary trait of hack & slash, when it is, in fact, the opposite that makes the main ingredient in a H&S title, skills be damned. Again, shows a certain lack of understanding different genres and that sets them apart.

Hmm, don't know if you count it, but I used to love Double Dragon for the Master System back in the day...


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God of war.

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Well, it seems that I have a twisted notion of what hack and slash games are then. I find hack and slash and rpg to be two different things, but meh.

So correct me if I'm wrong, but would games like maplestory, guild wars, runescape, lineage, talesweaver, ragnarok and the like also pass as hack and slash?

Yeah, I finally have a sig.

linkthe2nd said:
Well, it seems that I have a twisted notion of what hack and slash games are then. I find hack and slash and rpg to be two different things, but meh.

So correct me if I'm wrong, but would games like maplestory, guild wars, runescape, lineage, talesweaver, ragnarok and the like also pass as hack and slash?


The only one you can push of those is guild wars, the rest no.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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Oh? And why is that? Maplestory has the same attack with a sword with a press of a button and use skills to deal massive damage to enemies.
Runescape is the same idea.
Lineage is very much the same idea.
So is ragnarok.
Hell even WoW would be included in this.

Yeah, I finally have a sig.

linkthe2nd said:
Oh? And why is that? Maplestory has the same attack with a sword with a press of a button and use skills to deal massive damage to enemies.
Runescape is the same idea.
Lineage is very much the same idea.
So is ragnarok.
Hell even WoW would be included in this.


Except you die if more than a few mobs gang up on you. You don't have overpowered abilities to destroy dozens upon dozens of mobs with a few clicks.You seem to be very confused by the differences in these games. Diablo is a hack and slash with heavy rpg elements in it.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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Diablo 2 no contest.

Well till Diablo 3 comes out.

It's just that simple.