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Forums - Sales Discussion - How big will the boost be from the "PS3 Price Cut?" (predictions)

Simple Question, Simple Thread.

Will the Price Cut be as big as The 360s current surge.

If Its a 100$ cut will it jump to weekly sales of _______?

If Its a 50$  cut will it jump to weekly sales of _______?

What consoles will it outsell and by how much?

When will the Price Cut be and how will this affect sales?

Around the Network

there is no price cut. But if there is, it will be 50$ and maybe a bundled game and a bigger HD.

EDIT: nice sig btw

theprof00 said:

there is no price cut. But if there is, it will be 50$ and maybe a bundled game and a bigger HD.

EDIT: nice sig btw

1Do you work for Sony? Sony obviously will deny any price cut until very near the time.
2 Thanks :)


well, by looking at the stock market and currency rates, cutting 50$ will be more like cutting 100$ and they already make a negative on each console.

They are doing well enough without a price cut. Strategically, if there is one coming, it will be after 360 sales have started to decline. (post holidays) Strategically this will help solidify an entire years worth of being in 2nd place, just like this past year, which helps increase sales by word of mouth,interest, and artificially created demand.

However, if they were to cut prices by 50$ and throw in two games bundled, say r&c and uncharted and a BR movie, I think sales would increase anywhere from 10-15%

I say a steady increase of at least 30-40K WW weekly for a $50 pricecut. Outside of holiday season of course.

I think a $100 cut will have PS3's selling at the midway point between 360 and Wii.

Around the Network

The PS3 will geta price drop to $300 in March, and it will sell 12 million ww in 2009.

The X360 will drop to $250 a few weeks later and sell rufly 10 million in 2009.


The X360 is $199


I expect that when the PS3 drops to $299, we will either see a huge rise in demand, due to the "digital" upgrade in 2009, along with HD becoming more mainstream, and seeing as the ps3 would be a $299 Blu-ray player, or we will see only a slight boost in sales.

$299 can make or break the ps3 IMO




No. Main SKU is what counts. Main SKU X360 cost $300.

And Blue-ray will do nuffin for the PS3.

Here in Sweden the Blu-ray standalone players are already A LOT cheaper than the PS3.

You get a Sharp or Samsung Bluray player for $300 (and Sony Bluray for $350) while the PS3 costs $550 here.

kowenicki said:
depends how its done......

In the UK you can now get a PS3 normally £299 for £298 WITH Res 2, Motorstorm 2 and Prince Of Persia... thats £100 off right now.

So it is effectively cheaper than a 360 Elite already and not much more than a 60 gig 360.

I know lol, its a pity that some consumers arent as bright as you and are unable to work that out. :)



The average consumer sees that the 360 pro is a better option? Last I heard the ARCADE was selling the most consoles..

