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Forums - Gaming Discussion - In your opinion, between Sony and MS, who has better 1st/2nd party titles?

im more interested in MS 1st party titles than sonys 1st party titles

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sony by a lotttttttttttt,

this generation especially god

Guys, a second party exclusive is an IP that is owned and paid for by the publisher but developed by an independent studio, like Ratchet & Clank or LittleBigPlanet.  Sony owns both IPs, and paid for the development of both, but they were developed by independent studios like Insomniac and Media Molecule.

Neither Gears of War or Mass Effect are 2nd party titles, as neither franchise is owned by MS.  Similarly, NGII is not a second party title, despite being published by MS.  PGR4, however, is a second party title.

A second party developer is a developer that is tied exclusively to one console manufacturer, like Insomniac, Sucker Punch, and now Media Molecule.  They only develop second party exclusives.  Unlike Level 5, which develops it's own titles in addition to second party titles for Sony.

As for my preference between Sony and Microsoft, it's easily Sony.

Here's a list of notable first party titles they've released this gen:

Formula One CE
Hot Shots Golf 5
MLB 07/08 The Show
MotorStorm 1/2 (though technically MS1 was second party)
NBA 07/08/09
Siren: Blood Curse

And here's some cool second party stuff:

Heavenly Sword
Ratchet & Clank Future Tools of Destruction & Quest for Booty
Resistance 1/2
Socom: Confrontation

Sony has only outdone my expectations this gen.  When the ps3 launched, I never expected something as awesome as LittleBigPlanet to pop up, nor did I expect Killzone 2 to actually turn out well.

Microsoft has only weakened their first party in my eyes this gen.  Ensemble Studios is (or was) one of my favorite developers, probably fifth overall, and now they're defunct.  MIcrosoft also closed down FASA Studios, the guys behind MechCommander 1/2.

the motorstorm series is SONY'S too

I personally love Nintendo first party, besides that no real first party connection with Sony or Microsoft besides Fable 2. So I guess from sony or microsoft, I guess microsoft wins for me.


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wfz said:
Khuutra said:
leo-j said:
Sony is a bigger 1st party dev than nintendo.. they have much more ip than nintendo and microsoft combined.

....Say again?


OT: I'll go with Sony, if only for Team ICO.


Yeah Leo, I'd also love to hear you clarify what you just said, with some facts.


I'm also of the same opinion of Khuutra, I'd go for Sony over Microsoft if only for Team ICO.

He never really explains that view. I seen that posted a couple of times.



Acevil said:
wfz said:
Khuutra said:
leo-j said:
Sony is a bigger 1st party dev than nintendo.. they have much more ip than nintendo and microsoft combined.

....Say again?


OT: I'll go with Sony, if only for Team ICO.


Yeah Leo, I'd also love to hear you clarify what you just said, with some facts.


I'm also of the same opinion of Khuutra, I'd go for Sony over Microsoft if only for Team ICO.

He never really explains that view. I seen that posted a couple of times.



He's almost right.  Sony employs more developers than Nintendo and Microsoft combined.  They were the third largest development house behind Ubisoft and EA before the Blizzard/Activision merger.  I'm not sure where things stand now.

Yeah I really think that Nintendo should have been added to the discussion, because Nintendo's first party sinks the PS3 & 360 combined.


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I am talking about the part "they have much more ip than nintendo and microsoft" combined part.

I know sony has more than nintendo in first party teams, but not that huge of a gap. Something like 20-15.


i prefer sony 1st and 2nd party games, i only played halo, fable and gears of war, they are great games but sony beats it by sheer volume.

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