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Forums - Gaming Discussion - In your opinion, between Sony and MS, who has better 1st/2nd party titles?

Sony wins by a mile for me, there are just soooooo many good games

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Sony is a bigger 1st party dev than nintendo.. they have much more ip than nintendo and microsoft combined.



Sony, but if Nintendo was part of the thread I'd put the two at a tie.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

i have to say sony.

How many studios does MS actually own now? There's Lionhead, Rare, Turn 10 and I know I'm missing a couple. Not counting Ensemble, since they're soon being closed down.


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The_God_of_War said:
How many studios does MS actually own now? There's Lionhead, Rare, Turn 10 and I know I'm missing a couple. Not counting Ensemble, since they're soon being closed down.



The_God_of_War said:
How many studios does MS actually own now? There's Lionhead, Rare, Turn 10 and I know I'm missing a couple. Not counting Ensemble, since they're soon being closed down.

Look a couple posts above yours, someone says 8, soon to be 7 with ensenmble.

Sony for me anyways, I Loves their 1st party games.


team ico alone makes sony unmatched, they are supreme, and they still have GT and Gow, sony wins no doubt

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

SONY. It has a lot more studios and make more atractive and varied games. The only exclusive franchises I like from MS are Halo and Gears. On the other side Sony has a lot of them that I like.

Play my LittleBigPlanet level: Mystic Runner. Thanks!

If M$ went all out to buy Bioware, Bethesda and Epic that would be a very stellar team.

I have a funny feeling though that M$ may buy Valve. They seem very close at the moment and Valve have been assosiated with Halo 4. Hmmmmmm.