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Forums - Gaming Discussion - In your opinion, between Sony and MS, who has better 1st/2nd party titles?

Sony without a doubt and i also think mass effect will be exclusive again

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Only franchise made by Sony I'm interested in is Ico\SotC, not interested in MS 1st party at all (that dosen't mean I'm igonring them though). So I'd say between MS and Sony - Sony wins. But add Nintendo and I'd say Nintendo>>>Sony>Microsoft 1st party titles overall, imo.



@Mai See I'm on the other side :P I don't like Nintendo's first party titles much :P To me they killed most of them off with the Gamecube era, and the last hope I had (brawl) was a huge disappointment to me. I have no title that hold me down to Ninty anymore :/ and that kinda saddens me xD

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

CGI-Quality said:
@ Chrono

Good post, I agree. @ selnor, I believe Mass Effect 2 will be a 360 exclusive as well.



Also God Of War is my fave Sony franchise. It is bloody awesome.

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sony by a long shot for me. it's just a matter of some of those games coming out.

i'm completely baffled that there'll possibly be two uncharted games by the time gt5/gow3/team ico game comes out.

CaptDS9E said:
"MS does not own the Gears Of War franchise. They just payed Epic a lot of money to keep it exclusive. Just because they published it doesn't mean that they own it."

They own the publishing rights to the first two games on console, just like they do for the first Mass Effect. And saying they paid Epic a lot of money is probably way off. No one dreamed how big the series would get, and MS already had a publishing deal for the first few games in the series. Microsoft promoted the crap out of the first Gears, and it paid off. The series has become huge not only for Microsoft, but Epic.


None of that changes the fact that they don't own the franchise, therefore Gears of War is not a first or second party game, it's a third-party exclusive, and I don't think there's any question that they paid for it.

Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon were all published by Sony, but it was still a third-party franchise.



Consoles owned: Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PSP, DS, PS3

It's not a matter of opinion. Sony has the best 1st and 2nd party of all the big 3. Microsoft and Nintendo are basically a tie, and Microsoft is closing the gap there. Who is better is not a matter of IMO game X is better tha a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p so obviously game x's platfrom is the best. The best 1st/2nd party comes down to who has the most high quality games acroos multiple genres. In that catagory Sony is way ahead of the rest.

Here is my thing about the game X scenario. I really love baseball, and I mean I like every team, all the great players, and all the statistics to go along with that. A lot of people say they love baseball, but they actually mean they love the Cubs, or Red Sox, or just some specific team. They don't care about the little details all around baseball, and they basically live and die on the sport by how their team does. To me people that say I only play FPS on PC with M&KB, and racing games on the 360 are not gamers. These people are the same as the Cubs, or Red Sox fan I mentioned above. I really love gaming. To me every genre has the same appeal, it just takes a setting that appeals to me, and a quality story with decnet gameplay.

Sony 1st/2nd Party

God of War
Heavanly Sword
Twisted Metal

Action Platfromer
Ratchet & Clanck
Sly Cooper

Open World Platformer

First Person Shooter

Little Big Planet

Online Shooter
M.assive A.ction G.ame

Gran Turismo

Eyetoy Play
Eye Pet

Metal Gear Solid

Stealth/3rd person shooter
Syphon Filter

MLB The Show
NBA The Inside



White Knight Chronicals
The Agency
Untold Legends

This is just a condinsed list. I even just relized I forgot Ico games because they are like a genre in themselves.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


I'm going to lean toward MS on this one, but just barely.

I think it's a matter of opinion. I really love Fable II and Viva Pinata. Like I wanna marry them.

And I've been married to Halo since day one.

While I like a lot of the Sony stuff, especially LBP and Uncharted, I just don't have the same attachment to it. The Sony exclusives that I was into were Devil May Cry, Final Fantasy, God of War and GTA, and three of the four obviously jumped ship.

So it's a taste thing. If I liked Metal Gear or Gran Turismo more, I might change my mind, but both of those are awesome franchises that I just can't get into.

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?

JGarret said:

I don´t know all the 1st/2nd party franchises from Sony and MS, so I´ll be missing a few.

Anyway, we have from MS:

- Halo franchise

- Gears franchise

- Forza

- Fable

- Crackdown

- RARE titles (Kameo, Viva Pinata, BK Nuts & Bolts)

From Sony:

- Ratchet & Clank franchise

- Uncharted

- LittleBigPlanet

- Resistance franchise

- God of War

- Gran Turismo

- Team Ico titles

Like I said, I´m sure I´m missing some IPs.

Anyway, I like them both, but I like Sony´s 1st/2nd party portfolio more.

What about you?

Sony defintiy has the advantage 1st party wise by a huge margian. Sony has 22 1st party studios compare to MS 8, and that might turn to 23 soon because level 5 is considering joining sony if White Knight Chronciles is sucessful. MS really has 6 because Ensemble will close after halo wars is done, and massive inc doesn't make games, they just advertise and hype up products

i like sony's more, sony is very well established and has stood the test of time so far