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JGarret said:

I don´t know all the 1st/2nd party franchises from Sony and MS, so I´ll be missing a few.

Anyway, we have from MS:

- Halo franchise

- Gears franchise

- Forza

- Fable

- Crackdown

- RARE titles (Kameo, Viva Pinata, BK Nuts & Bolts)

From Sony:

- Ratchet & Clank franchise

- Uncharted

- LittleBigPlanet

- Resistance franchise

- God of War

- Gran Turismo

- Team Ico titles

Like I said, I´m sure I´m missing some IPs.

Anyway, I like them both, but I like Sony´s 1st/2nd party portfolio more.

What about you?

Sony defintiy has the advantage 1st party wise by a huge margian. Sony has 22 1st party studios compare to MS 8, and that might turn to 23 soon because level 5 is considering joining sony if White Knight Chronciles is sucessful. MS really has 6 because Ensemble will close after halo wars is done, and massive inc doesn't make games, they just advertise and hype up products

i like sony's more, sony is very well established and has stood the test of time so far