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Forums - Gaming Discussion - In your opinion, between Sony and MS, who has better 1st/2nd party titles?

Zlejedi said:
What's the diffrence beetween 1st and 2nd party ?

As for the mentioned ones Sony.


Take Gears of War as an example- Epic are an independant developer, but MS own the Gears of War franchise. This means it's a 2nd party title, Microsoft don't own Epic but they own the rights to the game. I'm pretty sure this is what it means anyway.


Now take Uncharted as an example- Sony actually own Naughty Dawg, the developer, as well as the Uncharted name. So this makes it a 1st party title.


At the end of the day it's not really a huge difference, that's why most people consider 2nd party games to be 1st party games.


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You forgot Motorstorm, Warhawk and Wipeout for Sony and  PGR for MS

and Lost Odyssey, Too Human

AaronSOLDIER said:
Sony easily, nobody comes close apart from Nintendo

If Sony didnt have their First Party studios - the PS3 would probably be dead by now




as would the wii (no wii sports)

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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Lack of killer 1st party studios is one of the 360s only weaknesses. MS need to go on a buying spree to jump start their internal game studios.

Nintendo & Sony 1st party are way better.

Is Hot Shots first party?

In my opinion, Halo pwns all of those games, so I will choose MSFT; however, I can understand if someone chose Sony.

IMO i would say Microsoft for this gen until GOW3 comes out haha

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

Considering Gear 2 and Halo 3 are 2 of the best games in the world Ive ever played it is M$.

Also dont forget

Lost Odyssey
Blue Dragon
Cry ON.

All games which are second Party on 360.