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Forums - Gaming Discussion - In your opinion, between Sony and MS, who has better 1st/2nd party titles?

Sony. They have managed many great first and second party games over the years. MS reputation rests soley on two and a half games (Halo, Gears and it a half because no games in this series have ever managed to get an aggregate review score higher than a 90).

Heavens to Murgatoids.

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Retrasado said:

looking at overall game selection, I'd say it's nearly an exact tie with an edge to MS. However, looking at 1st/2nd party, it's not even close. Sony by lightyears. The only other dev that even comes close is Nintendo and this gen I think even they are a falling behind.

I think Nintendo has an edge but, as you said, it's dwindling. They may sell a boatload of "games" and systems, but many of them just aren't very good. We still have the iconic Zeldas, Mario platformers, SSB (not a real fan but I admit it's a very good game), Mario Kart, Metroid (again, not a huge fan of the 3D versions), but they're all very good. It's really a damned shame to see Nintendo "dumb down" in so many ways but in the end, they're the ones reaping the profits for doing so. I can't really blame them for it but I'll always hate Wii Music on principle. I've even come to accept Wii Fit, even though I still think it's a joke.

Sony, on the other hand, keeps bringing us IP like LittleBigPlanet on top of Gran Turismo, Team ICO games, etc... Their quality is up there with Nintendo, they just cater to the traditional gamer tastes far better than the "New N".

The one area where both Nintendo and Sony lack - and where Microsoft has really picked up - is in RPGs. Traditionally, we had JRPGs, an almost entirely third party effort. With the rise of WRPGs, Sony and Nintendo have been left scratching their heads while MS snatched up Lionhead and Fable. A very, very smart move on their part. On top of that, they grabbed exclusivity for games like Mass Effect and exclusive DLC for Fallout. WRPGs and shooters being my two "favorite" genres - if I can really say I have favorites - has made the 360 an extremely attractive console. To boot, they're getting the best JRPGs, too, though it's probably costing them a friggin' fortune to do so.

Many of you hate MS and I will never understand why... Sony and Nintendo both left a gaping hole for the WRPG crowd by never picking up a developer or trying to tap into that previously unexplored console genre. I'd think that as a gamer, most would appreciate MS trying to carve its own niche, even though the means to get there are somewhat sketchy at times. Before Microsoft, WRPGs were PC-only or console bitches... Now look at them.


Or check out my new webcomic:

Sony by Far, MS can't touch them
Ratchet & Clank
Sly Cooper
Jak & Daxter
Gran Turismo
Ico & Shadow of the Colossus
God of War
ATV Off-road fury (they need one for for PS3)
Hot Shots Golf
Ape Escape
Twisted Metal
Syphon Filter
Wild Arms (Yes, Sony owns an RPG franchise)

Gears of War
Crackdown (and I think Mass Effect is owned by EA)

halogamer1989 said:
I would say Sony followed closely by MSFT. Next year it will be MSFT followed closely by Sony.



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Sony Dude of course

1. GT > Forza (generally accepted)

2. Resistance = Gears (In my opinion)

3. God of War > Fable

4. Crackdown and "Rare titles" are no big deal

I'll give Microsoft credit for Halo though, thats a fun game. Nothing matches it on PS3 except Killzone 2

pap64 said:
Hmm...Last gen, I would have said "Sony". But now there are very few exclusives both MS and Sony can be proud of.


 Few? haha you must be mistaken. Just look at the list above where you said this.

rocketpig said:
Retrasado said:

looking at overall game selection, I'd say it's nearly an exact tie with an edge to MS. However, looking at 1st/2nd party, it's not even close. Sony by lightyears. The only other dev that even comes close is Nintendo and this gen I think even they are a falling behind.

I think Nintendo has an edge but, as you said, it's dwindling. They may sell a boatload of "games" and systems, but many of them just aren't very good. We still have the iconic Zeldas, Mario platformers, SSB (not a real fan but I admit it's a very good game), Mario Kart, Metroid (again, not a huge fan of the 3D versions), but they're all very good. It's really a damned shame to see Nintendo "dumb down" in so many ways but in the end, they're the ones reaping the profits for doing so. I can't really blame them for it but I'll always hate Wii Music on principle. I've even come to accept Wii Fit, even though I still think it's a joke.

Sony, on the other hand, keeps bringing us IP like LittleBigPlanet on top of Gran Turismo, Team ICO games, etc... Their quality is up there with Nintendo, they just cater to the traditional gamer tastes far better than the "New N".

The one area where both Nintendo and Sony lack - and where Microsoft has really picked up - is in RPGs. Traditionally, we had JRPGs, an almost entirely third party effort. With the rise of WRPGs, Sony and Nintendo have been left scratching their heads while MS snatched up Lionhead and Fable. A very, very smart move on their part. On top of that, they grabbed exclusivity for games like Mass Effect and exclusive DLC for Fallout. WRPGs and shooters being my two "favorite" genres - if I can really say I have favorites - has made the 360 an extremely attractive console. To boot, they're getting the best JRPGs, too, though it's probably costing them a friggin' fortune to do so.

Many of you hate MS and I will never understand why... Sony and Nintendo both left a gaping hole for the WRPG crowd by never picking up a developer or trying to tap into that previously unexplored console genre. I'd think that as a gamer, most would appreciate MS trying to carve its own niche, even though the means to get there are somewhat sketchy at times. Before Microsoft, WRPGs were PC-only or console bitches... Now look at them.



I am a pro-MS convert really, I used to be an MS hater/Sony loyalist... when I first heard they were releasing a console on a rumor board, I really thought it was the dumbest move ever by MS.

I have since been proven wrong.  All-in-all, MS has really proven to me that they deserve to be on the same playing field with Nintendo & Sony.  For a console maker who literally have only had a small fraction of the previous generation, and about 3 years of their 2nd, they have really shocked me with the quality titles they have released.

Really, how many consoles have been successful going head-to-head with Sony or Nintendo?  None.  So I think they deserve a lot of respect for what they have accomplished in a VERY small window.  I think it will only get better with time.  MS has the money, and they are in this thing for the long term, and that's good for all gamers.


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coolestguyever said:

Sony Dude of course

1. GT > Forza (generally accepted)

2. Resistance = Gears (In my opinion)

3. God of War > Fable

4. Crackdown and "Rare titles" are no big deal

I'll give Microsoft credit for Halo though, thats a fun game. Nothing matches it on PS3 except Killzone 2


Even though I agree that the God of War(S) are better than Fable(2), Why are you comparing a Hack & Slash to A RPG?

I think everyone seems to have forgotten that M$ owns the Blinx ip. Discussion over.