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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft looking to “break the bank” at E3 2009

colonelstubbs said:
Are they going to buy more exclusives? Breaking the bank...

I thought they were speaking figuratively (as in breaking the bank in terms of undisclosed information). Then again English is not my first language and I'm not very familiar with this expression.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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gebx said:
Break the Bank = Buying Developers ??

MS buying EA confirmed!!


Ha, yeah that would be a true coup d'etat... can you imagine Madden being an XBOX exclusive title?  

Back to reality, I think MS will probably announce further price cuts... upcoming exclusives just doesn't really seem to be that big of an announcement.  Or possibly more features being added to LIVE?


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


NJ5 said:
@Munkeh111: With the uncertainty about how long the economic crisis will last, I think it would be quite stupid to plan for new hardware in 2010. People aren't exactly begging for something to empty their wallets. One or two years later than that sounds much more sensible.


This is the most logical post I've come across thus far in this thread.


But I would guess around 2012-2013 for a successor to the 360.

I'm not a fanboy, I just try to tip the balance in favor of logic and common sense.

MS acquires EA? lol. Peter Moore did go there for a reason ;)

If anything, I think MS would announce the following:

- New strategic partnerships with major studios for new exclusives
- Finalization of the Slim X360, new price, new specs
- New XBL features
- New major 1st party games from Rare, Lionhead, and Turn 10 (maybe acquisition of PGR franchise?)

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Forza 3 release date and trailers would be good as well.

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add in Mistwalker....where the hell is Cry On!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

halogamer1989 said:
Forza 3 release date and trailers would be good as well.


That would be nice.. I'm really looking forward to both Forza 3 and GT5.  Next to COD:MW2 those are probably two of the titles I can't wait to play the most.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


One_touch_KO said:
No more RROD? :O

No way. Microsoft isn't Sony. They're not about to let their most important exclusive go.


badgenome said:
One_touch_KO said:
No more RROD? :O

No way. Microsoft isn't Sony. They're not about to let their most important exclusive go.


I believe Microsoft bought it from Sony, renaming it from DRE to RROD though :P


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:
badgenome said:
One_touch_KO said:
No more RROD? :O

No way. Microsoft isn't Sony. They're not about to let their most important exclusive go.


I believe Microsoft bought it from Sony, renaming it from DRE to RROD though :P


Touché. Those fucking copycats.