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Forums - Sony Discussion - What will happen if Killzone 2 bombs?


KZ2 is a hardcore title for a 400$ console
it will change nothing whatever it bombs or not

What matter is :

will the PS3 sell significantly better when it will hit the 300$ price point somewhere in 2009 OR has the Xbox360/Wii already took away all the sales for them ?

Time to Work !

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why do you have such high expectations only because it's a graphically powerhouse ???
i mean the first Killzone sold like 0.75 million copies with god knows how many ps2 at that time why will this be such a high seller i don't see the logic in it

No. It won't bomb. Any PS3 owner is aiming for it.

Becouse for some uknown reason current-gen console fpses are selling shitloads of copies ?


martjuh ! said:
why do you have such high expectations only because it's a graphically powerhouse ???
i mean the first Killzone sold like 0.75 million copies with god knows how many ps2 at that time why will this be such a high seller i don't see the logic in it


graphics sell, so yes.

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wasn't the first killzone on the ps2 also graphically speaking a good game if so why did that game sell so poorly than ?

martjuh ! said:
wasn't the first killzone on the ps2 also graphically speaking a good game if so why did that game sell so poorly than ?


Because there was other good FPS (and other genres too) for PS2 by the arrival of the first Killzone.


PS3 is lacking of AAA KILLER BADASS APPS right now. And Killzone will be it.

It won't happen, but Sony will be annoyed, sell Guerilla and move on.

They didn't dwell on Lair, did they?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

martjuh ! said:
wasn't the first killzone on the ps2 also graphically speaking a good game if so why did that game sell so poorly than ?


Good but not groundbreaking. KZ2 is unprecedented in terms of console visual muscle.

It'll just be an expensive game that didn't make a profit. Just like Too Human (doing so well, isn't it?).

Hmm, pie.