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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - You won't beleive what i found in gamestop

Any good and cultured European knows that you eat Fries with Mayonnaise.

Anyways, El Corral serves the best burgers.

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goddog said:
Galaki said:
What's so hard to believe? Finding video games at a video games store isn't anything unbelievable, IMO.


its a fairly rare game why hate on him for it its like picking up a copy of PTO II for the SNES, or futurama for the xbox (the ps2 version is easier to get a hold of)


Well I actually found and bought Futurama for the xbox this summer... Is it really that rare ?

Lolcislaw said:
toastboy44562 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
bone your friends girlfriend.




I approve this message.

ME too..


I found Ikaruga here for Gamecube and other oddities in a rental store that was closing... very cheap


SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit"   MKWii:5155-3729-0989

Congratz,I guess.

Alasted said:
Thank goodness. I was afraid you were going to say Battletoads.


Battletoads, now that's nostalgic.  It's one of the great classics that is annoyingly fun, and annoying... and did I mention annoying?


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


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whoa for a moment i thought this threat got derailed with food

but yea....i couldn't find ikaruga for a long time i eventually had to pay about $40 off ebay...


Hate myself for that stupid move.

Achievement is its own reward, pride only obscures.

HATING OPHELIA- Coming soon from Markosia Comics!

lol man, ever tried to find any R-Type game before? Those games are bitches to find!

I bought my copy of Ikaruga at a GameStop too like 3 years ago along with Star Ocean 3. o_O

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

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soulsamurai said:

So me and my co-workers were taking an extremely long break....and went to carl's junior. I was gonna do my standard stop at gamestop to see if any rare games fine there way on the shelf. Last week I found ZOE2 so that made me happy, but that's not the goody I'm talking about. Well after eating Sam said he was going to go buy his girlfriend a ps3 for christmas (lucky bastards girlfriend is hot, plays games 24/7, and her actual name is badass is that) So i decided to tag a long instead of stopping by after work and while he's at the counter I'm browsing through the gamecube titles to see if i can't find any rarities and what do I see glimmering at me? What do I see shoved randomly between a copy of The 4 swords and Mario party? I see Ikaruga.


My god......I found a copy of Ikaruga.

Sounds like a new twist on the Stepford Wives.

Maybe she's from another planet or used to be a guy.

OT: I've never heard of that game.


I've never even heard of Ikaruga, but I'm glad you found it. I thought you might have said Eternal Darkness. P.S. Carl's Jr. Is effin' delicious. In n' Out Burger is gross (at least it was the one time I had it). A&W is also quite tasty. Especially the cheese curds.

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