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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why do people still use "The Ten Year Plan" excuse?

Max King of the Wild said:
Comrade Tovya said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Garnett said:

KZ2 is already using 60% of the power of the Cell and MGS4 Maxed Blue Ray out and its only what the 3rd year since its released?


Xbox is no differnet either.



 that 60% is a made up figure. If we believe that 60% number it means they created the perfect code and no one else can make a more efficient one in the life of the ps3.

Blu-ray being used up? We still have questions if it was 25 gig or 50 gig. If it was 25 gig blu-ray then he only used half of what the tech allows right now. If it was 50.... then there is always the solution of compressing audio and visual files to squeez in a few extra gigs.


MGS4 was 33gb of total data (nearly 12gb of that was the audio alone) and they put it on a 50gb BD.



 There you go Garnett 33gig out of 50gigs. Not maxed out


Apparently, Kojami originally had the game at 80gb, and didn't want to use over compress the video/audio on the disc to make it fit, so they dropped the res to 720p (which still looks DAMN good) cut out a lot of the extra videos, and somehow got it down to 33gb... they left the extra 17gb for the Euro release because they needed to get more languages for that release obviously.



Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


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Comrade Tovya said:
colonelstubbs said:
I agree with the comment that the PS3 still hasnt been anywhere near fully utilised...bigger and better games will come


Yeah, but when?  I've been hearing that for a long time (which is one of the reasons I got a PS3 to sit along side my XBOX 360)... At the rate it's going it will be 2012 before someone actually shows that the Sony cell is superior as claimed.  Like I said, either the claim is bogus, or it's just too difficult to utilize or just not worth the extra trouble.

I actually would like to see the claim become true because otherwise, except for the Blu-ray capabilities, why did I drop $500.00 on my PS3?

If you dropped 500 bucks on your PS3 you should be out there playing PS3 exclusives. Once you do, you will realize that Sony's first parties have already shown that the cell is superior as has been claimed. Uncharted, Little Big Planet, R2 and Warhawk would be my best examples. Play those games and you will see. Killzone and GOWIII will add to that list next year.

I don't see any reason why the ten year plan cannot become reality, especially if Blu Ray continues to grow at this rate.

The main reason is it is difficult for programmers to adjust to Cell architecture. Many devs specially offer Cell programming jobs on their Employment pages. It is a complicated system 6 SPEs, 1 SPE redundancy, 1 for sys software + separate RSX. Not to mention the proprietary and limited amount of XDR RAM. Lack of anti-aliasing is another thing.

Sometimes having the most superb rig is a bad thing, esp when the competitor's are outselling the "superior" platform. This=poor, reduced quality ports when rushed to get to gold.

Optimization is key, it is just a steep learning curve now.

Hope springs eternal.

Tempus fugit Nintendo manet.


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perpride said:
Comrade Tovya said:
colonelstubbs said:
I agree with the comment that the PS3 still hasnt been anywhere near fully utilised...bigger and better games will come


Yeah, but when?  I've been hearing that for a long time (which is one of the reasons I got a PS3 to sit along side my XBOX 360)... At the rate it's going it will be 2012 before someone actually shows that the Sony cell is superior as claimed.  Like I said, either the claim is bogus, or it's just too difficult to utilize or just not worth the extra trouble.

I actually would like to see the claim become true because otherwise, except for the Blu-ray capabilities, why did I drop $500.00 on my PS3?

If you dropped 500 bucks on your PS3 you should be out there playing PS3 exclusives. Once you do, you will realize that Sony's first parties have already shown that the cell is superior as has been claimed. Uncharted, Little Big Planet, R2 and Warhawk would be my best examples. Play those games and you will see. Killzone and GOWIII will add to that list next year.

I don't see any reason why the ten year plan cannot become reality, especially if Blu Ray continues to grow at this rate.


That's an easy answer for you... I do love my PS3, so don't get me wrong.  If I didn't like it I would just throw it on eBay.  The best feature on it for me is still the Blu-ray player... it is by far the best BD player and one of the best upconverters I have as well...

Now as for the games you mentioned, I didn't really care for Uncharted or Warhawk, I had them and sold them because they just weren't for me.  Warhawk was an interesting game, but I wouldn't by any means call it a visual/audio masterpiece though.  LBP is a title I'm probably going to pick up here soon, because my clan-mates play it and love it... their opinion is generally spot on with mine.

Resistance on the other hand doesn't interest me for the same reason that the fallout series doesn't interest me, I don't like the post-apocalyptic storyline of either game.

I do however play COD4 on the PS3, because I like the sixaxis controllers loose/fast analog sticks... I'm absolutely dominant in every match I play on it.

As for the other two titles you mentioned, they may very well spark my interest as they come out.. we'll just have to see.

Like I've said 100 times before, I'm no fanboy for any console.  I own pretty much every console release since 1982... I can find the enjoyment in just about any system.  I generally lean towards the XBOX 360 dual release titles for one reason alone: XBOX LIVE.  I absolutely positively think it is the best online gaming community out of the three current consoles. I love the achievments, and the community, and the interface... etc, etc.

And yes, I well know that PSN Home is about to be perfected and released here soon, and that could change my opinion, but at this moment, XBOX LIVE is the service I enjoy most.  As soon as Sony shows me that the PSN is better, I'll re-evaluate the situation.

And the 10 year plan is fickle at best.  Yes, the PS3 is an awesome piece of hardware, I have always thought so.  But just because it is state of the art today, does not mean in 6-7 years that it still will be.  Technology moves just to fast to make such an assumption. 

Trust me, I hope it is.. hell, I own one myself, I'd love not to have to buy a PS4 in 4 years because the PS3 is still as modern as ever.  But I won't hold my breath expecting that, because my PC can still wipe the floor with my PS3, which mean it isn't that powerful yet.  For a console in 2008, yes, it's bloody awesome.  For a console in 2013, well, we'll just have to wait and see.  But I sure as heck wouldn't bet the farm on it.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Around the Network

Because they want to. You can't stop me from typing "Ten year plan" now can you??

4 ≈ One


dbot said:

That Guy said:
retailers make 0 money from console sales. if the PS3 costs 399, that means it probably cost 395 in order for the retailer to buy it from the distributor. Add in shipping, and the retailer pretty much breaks even, or even loses a little money when the PS3 is sold.

The retailer makes maybe 2-3 dollars max on games sold though, which is something. The money maker, though, is accessories. Extra Batteries, charge kits, used games, service plans, and magazine subscriptions (if you're at a gamestop).

I don't think your profit numbers on console sales or games is accurate, but I don't have any tangible evidence otherwise.  Do you happen to have any sources for this information?  I am curious as to the actual retailer profitability on console/games sales. 



i work in retail. I make no comission off of console sales; and the buyer of my store tells me because that's the case.

You can confirm this even with someone who works at a gamestop (i do not, but we do carry PS3s and Xboxes and stuff). Gamestop's money maker is in the used games, because that represents pretty much pure profit.

Consoles are loss leaders; the Wii purchase is what gets you INTO the store. My job is to make sure that you walk out with batteries, cases, accessories, and a replacement plan.

Max King of the Wild said:
Comrade Tovya said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Garnett said:

KZ2 is already using 60% of the power of the Cell and MGS4 Maxed Blue Ray out and its only what the 3rd year since its released?


Xbox is no differnet either.



that 60% is a made up figure. If we believe that 60% number it means they created the perfect code and no one else can make a more efficient one in the life of the ps3.

Blu-ray being used up? We still have questions if it was 25 gig or 50 gig. If it was 25 gig blu-ray then he only used half of what the tech allows right now. If it was 50.... then there is always the solution of compressing audio and visual files to squeez in a few extra gigs.


MGS4 was 33gb of total data (nearly 12gb of that was the audio alone) and they put it on a 50gb BD.



There you go Garnett 33gig out of 50gigs. Not maxed out

Im sorry then,i could of swore they said they maxed out 50 gig total,hmm oh well.


perpride said:
Comrade Tovya said:
colonelstubbs said:
I agree with the comment that the PS3 still hasnt been anywhere near fully utilised...bigger and better games will come


Yeah, but when?  I've been hearing that for a long time (which is one of the reasons I got a PS3 to sit along side my XBOX 360)... At the rate it's going it will be 2012 before someone actually shows that the Sony cell is superior as claimed.  Like I said, either the claim is bogus, or it's just too difficult to utilize or just not worth the extra trouble.

I actually would like to see the claim become true because otherwise, except for the Blu-ray capabilities, why did I drop $500.00 on my PS3?

If you dropped 500 bucks on your PS3 you should be out there playing PS3 exclusives. Once you do, you will realize that Sony's first parties have already shown that the cell is superior as has been claimed. Uncharted, Little Big Planet, R2 and Warhawk would be my best examples. Play those games and you will see. Killzone and GOWIII will add to that list next year.

I don't see any reason why the ten year plan cannot become reality, especially if Blu Ray continues to grow at this rate.


You're kidding yourself if you don't think the 360 can do those games.  After 2 years, the excuses why multiplat games shouldn't count as a comparison is tiresome.  I think the fact that this is up for debate speaks volumes about the power of each system.  Like Comrade Tovya said... it's time for Sony to put up or shut-up.


And like you said, I bought my PS3 for the exclusives.

And the ten year plan won't work because retailers aren't willing to clutter their shelves with a 3rd place console/games even if it as a blu-ray. Ten years plans only work if your system sells 100m+.