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dbot said:

That Guy said:
retailers make 0 money from console sales. if the PS3 costs 399, that means it probably cost 395 in order for the retailer to buy it from the distributor. Add in shipping, and the retailer pretty much breaks even, or even loses a little money when the PS3 is sold.

The retailer makes maybe 2-3 dollars max on games sold though, which is something. The money maker, though, is accessories. Extra Batteries, charge kits, used games, service plans, and magazine subscriptions (if you're at a gamestop).

I don't think your profit numbers on console sales or games is accurate, but I don't have any tangible evidence otherwise.  Do you happen to have any sources for this information?  I am curious as to the actual retailer profitability on console/games sales. 



i work in retail. I make no comission off of console sales; and the buyer of my store tells me because that's the case.

You can confirm this even with someone who works at a gamestop (i do not, but we do carry PS3s and Xboxes and stuff). Gamestop's money maker is in the used games, because that represents pretty much pure profit.

Consoles are loss leaders; the Wii purchase is what gets you INTO the store. My job is to make sure that you walk out with batteries, cases, accessories, and a replacement plan.