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Forums - Sales Discussion - Star Ocean 4 or White Knight Chronicles?

I'm expecting WKC to open higher than 200k for the week in Japan. Fishyjoe and a few others are telling me thats inpossible and WKC wont be bigger than GT5P (380k and this was before Spec III came out) and they say it wont break 300k... we'll see.

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Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope.
I think everyone see the trend, JRPG = 360.

Just look at the Xbox 360 JRPG offering:

The Last Remnant
Tales of Vesperia
Infinite Undiscovery
Lost Odyssey 
Eternal Sonata
Spectral Force 3
Final Fantasy 13
Blue Dragon
Final Fantasy 11
Enchanted Arms
Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope

WKC will have average sales, just like Valkyria Chronicles.

Valkyria Chronicles (Japan First Week sales) = 78,038 ... on PS3

Tales of Vesperia (Japan First Week sales)  = 106,421 ... on 360
The Last Remnant (Japan First Week sales) = 105,196 ... on the fuckin 360!! in Japan...
Unfinite Discovery (Japan First Week sales) = 89,958 ... again ...on 360 (albeit bad reviews)

It says it all...


My Gaming Setup

I think WKC will end up being slightly better, but not by much though(not a bad thing), then Star Ocean The Last Hope. In Japan, WKC will outsell SOTLH. In the West, it is a toss up but I will not be suprised that SOTLH ends up doing better than WKC. WKC seems to be getting overlooked more in the West then I thought and SO4 benefits from the fact that since SO3, the series seems to have a sizable fanbase in the West.

Neoraf why don't you listen to people when they tell you why? You say you arent a troll but you sure the hell are if you keep being told the reasons but ignore those people and keep posting that crap to make the ps3 look worse.

DeotoxSlayer said:

White Knight Chronicles will easily sell more.

As for graphics The character Models are better in Star Ocean IV(even though I find them ugly)

But I think White Knight chronicles Is better in its Environments.

EDIT: And if you meam looks better as in the whole game and not just the graphics, then I'd say White Knigth Chronicles by a longshot.

Sorry bro, but Star Ocean beats all JRPG's in production. Check this latest trailer out. Awesome.


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Neoraf said:

Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope.
I think everyone see the trend, JRPG = 360.

Just look at the Xbox 360 JRPG offering:

The Last Remnant
Tales of Vesperia
Infinite Undiscovery
Lost Odyssey 
Eternal Sonata
Spectral Force 3
Final Fantasy 13
Blue Dragon
Final Fantasy 11
Enchanted Arms
Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope

WKC will have average sales, just like Valkyria Chronicles.

Valkyria Chronicles (Japan First Week sales) = 78,038 ... on PS3

Tales of Vesperia (Japan First Week sales)  = 106,421 ... on 360
The Last Remnant (Japan First Week sales) = 105,196 ... on 360



You do know that you just destroyed your point by mentioning that major 360 JRPGs Like the Last Remenant and Tales of Vesperia only managed to beat a Niche TRPG like Valkyria Chronicles by 25k.

150k - ON THE PS2

110k on the Ps3

30k on the PSP

Those are SRPG's and were never as big as sellers as the types of games you are saying the 360 sold.

CGI-Quality said:
@ Max

Don't you mean he posts things that make the PS3 look “worse”. He never posts positive things about PS3.


 Lol... whoops.

DeotoxSlayer said:
Neoraf said:

Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope.
I think everyone see the trend, JRPG = 360.

Just look at the Xbox 360 JRPG offering:

The Last Remnant
Tales of Vesperia
Infinite Undiscovery
Lost Odyssey
Eternal Sonata
Spectral Force 3
Final Fantasy 13
Blue Dragon
Final Fantasy 11
Enchanted Arms
Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope

WKC will have average sales, just like Valkyria Chronicles.

Valkyria Chronicles (Japan First Week sales) = 78,038 ... on PS3

Tales of Vesperia (Japan First Week sales) = 106,421 ... on 360
The Last Remnant (Japan First Week sales) = 105,196 ... on 360



You do know that you just destroyed your point by mentioning that major 360 JRPGs Like the Last Remenant and Tales of Vesperia only managed to beat a Niche TRPG like Valkyria Chronicles by 25k.


That's still impressive considering that the PS3 has 5 times of userbase as the 360 in Japan


I'm sorry folks, I speak from facts.

I repeat, I think WKC will have average sales, just like Valkyria Chronicles.

Valkyria Chronicles (Japan First Week sales) = 78,038 ... on PS3

Tales of Vesperia (Japan First Week sales)  = 106,421 ... on 360
The Last Remnant (Japan First Week sales) = 105,196 ... on the fuckin 360!! in Japan...
Unfinite Discovery (Japan First Week sales) = 89,958 ... again ...on 360 (albeit bad reviews)

Don't forget, there are more than 3 PS3 for 1 Xbox360 in Japan.
Surprisingly, 360 JRPG sells better on Xbox 360. With far less userbase.



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