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Forums - Sales Discussion - Star Ocean 4 or White Knight Chronicles?

BMaker11 said:
Riachu said:
el_rika said:
I think it's pretty much a given that WKC will outsell Star Ocean 4 (if it remains Xbox only) at least 2 to 1.
Japan and Europe will see huge WKC sales in my opinion as it is the game that many PS3 owners are waiting for and frankly, that first gameplay trailer released from the game back then still looks better than any JRPG gameplay i've seen so far this gen.

Why is there still an assumption that 360 owners don't care about JRPGs? Hasn't LO's sales told you people anything? Heck, for all we know, those JRPG loving PS2 owners could be going with the 360 instead of the PS3.


Because the assumption that one game that sold moderately well while the rest kinda flopped =/= 360 owners like JRPGs. I saw you make a comparison saying WRPGs. WRPGs =/= JRPGs. Don't compare Oblivion to Eternal Sonata. And speaking of ES.....why not use that game in your posts? lol


A lot of those JRPGs didn't actually flop.  Quite a few of them managed to get 100K in sales(in NA alone).  The reason why a lot of JRPGs sell relatively poorly is because they get little to no marketing in the West.  For example, The Last Remnant was hyped like crazy in Japan but hype was almost non existant in the West.  Another example is Tales of Vesperia, the launch for that game was big in Japan but poor marketing in the West prevented it from repeating the game's success in Japan.


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I was discussing SO4 LTD sales in another site... I will repeat those numbers:

Japan: 250k.
US: 500k.
Others: 200k.

And i'm giving those US numbers thinking about good advertising being a Star Ocean title... but if it's not well advertised then i will down the sales to 200k too...

White Knight Chronicles in Japan can sell more than 500k because of Level-5's reputation, the PS3 JRPG hunger and the hype since TGS '06 (that was one of the few titles that saved the PS3 from being booed back then), the problem is in the US and Others, Sony has to advertise this game like there's no end in those regions...

Aiemond said:
SO4 will most likely sell better. In japan, both VC and the 360 rpgs have sold similar numbers. Since WKC is made by square it prolly will get bigger numbers in Japan, but still, VC was an excellent game, prolly better than either of these two. SO4 will easily get larger numbers in others and america because it has a bigger brand name. It has had two very good games in the seriers ( the original and the second story) and a decent one in 3 (other than the story shit).

And VC is not "niche" in Japan, any more so than WKC.

Oh my. The SRPG genre is very niche. We haven't had a SRPG sell a million in ten years.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

I don't know.

where did everyone get those christmas hats from?

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WKC I seriously believe it will sell 1 million life time sales.

Star Ocean will outsell White Knight Chronicles.

Since one is exclusive to the PS3 and the other (being SO4) to the 360 it is very difficult to say since PS3 fans have been grasping for a JRPG (this being one of the 1st) and SE games tend not to do too well on the 360 tbh...

White Knight Chronicles will sell more in Japan then SO4 worldwide.

OT - Tales of Vesperia also is hurt by lack of Europe distribution.


Look at the last SO for PS2. The game sells more in NA then Japan. If we ignore Europe for a moment (no sales data for previous SO games), these are my estimated SO4 sales:

Japan: 280K

NA: 680K

Total: 960K

White Knight Chronicles is a new IP. I think it will sell more than SO in Japan, but less in NA.

Japan: 450K

NA: 450K

Total: 900K

The two games should sell about even in Europe. So I predict SO4 to outsell WKC by about 60K.