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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What type of games do you play?

At first I use to only play casual games. Then after awhile, I was a PC gamer for a brief time and then I started playing casual games again. Today, I play usually casual and hardcore games. The genres I play is Action Adventure, RPG, Fighting, Sports and mostly any type of game that really appeals to me.

What type of games do you play?


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I will play anything that interests me....except platformers in most cases

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

I'll play most game genres, as long as I am entertained. It is probably easier to say that I don't get entertainment from JRPGs and carnival games. There are more, but I can't think of them right now, they are few.

Racing, Action / Adventure, third person action / shooter games, Western RPG's, Japanese RPG's, Strategy, Simulation (think of Harvest Moon), Platform, Puzzle, nearly everything except FPS and Fighting games. Horror ain't my thing either, except Fatal Frame looks really nice.

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When I was younger I used to play a lot of plateformers and RPG's ... Now I'm more into the action/adventure games (uncharted, prince of persia, heavenly sword ...) and some FPS. I'm still a big rpg lover but well, the quality is too bad now.

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Shooters (mainly TPS), RPGs, Adventure/Action, Survival horror, fighting and some Ninty platformers or multiplayer games






RPGs, Action/Adventure, any type of shooter, some fighting, Platformers, a few MMORPGS,Multiplayer games, sandbox.

Most types of games except usually not 3rd person shooters, 1st person shooters, Adventure/Action, and Survival horror.

Most of my play time is on sports (Wii Sports), mini-games (Wii Play), puzzle (Tetris), fighting (SSBB), music (Guitar Hero), platform (Mario), and RTS (Age of Empires) games.


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i play all types of games, except for rhythm games

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I play fun games, that's really the only requirement.