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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why can't little big planet sell like wii music?

Probably it's the way LBP is marketed. There was an emphasis on buildnig your own levels. One of those sponsored ads I saw on a magazine had this message "this ad was created entirely on LittleBigPlanet".

On first glance the consumers see a game based primarily on level building, and might perceive the game as too difficult or not worth the time to be creative. But still, LBP should be at least double platinum.

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darthdevidem01 said:
A. LBP wasn't bundled....if you count it as bundled GEOW 2 was heavily bundled 2

B. Userbase

C. brand name....."wii series" brand name is as popular as GTA 4 level now

I thought Sony was giving away free copies of LBP with a PS3 purchase in Australia, as well?


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Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

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outlawauron said:
Grampy said:
Because revewers always ignore pre-teens in rating games. Wii Music may not thrill you or I but think how much fun it would be for the 5-12 group. Easy to play, your Mii in the game, 66 different istruments to play.

Now which console will a 5-12 yo most likely own?

Game - Set - Match

Eh, hardware is a different matter, but I would hope that they would get Guitar hero or Rock Band which are better music games.

That's like saying Oblivion is a better RPG then Final Fantasy.

They're totally different styles of games.

Regardless at least Wii Music tries to do something.  Guitar Hero and Rock Band are just Time Action Sequences set to music. The music doesn't even change if you screw up.

It's only popular because lots of people like to play pretend rockstar including reviewers.  There is almost no actual redeeming gameplay value if you don't have a rockstar fantasy.

It's not really any better the Wii Music.  It's just more popular because more people would perfer to pretend to be famous Guitar Heroes then Famous Orchestra Conductors.

Poor choice of words for the game's title. It should've been called "Wee Big Planet".

Heh, real irony here again.

Little Big Planet a game praised by the Gaming media is going to be outsold by the game they've scorned since its was announced.


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Dinomax said:

Heh, real irony here again.

Little Big Planet a game praised by the Gaming media is going to be outsold by the game they've scorned since its was announced.


Haha, that's a good point.  Wii Music will probably outsell it by a few million just to spite reviewers.


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It could be that the amount of Wii Fit owners is getting closer to the amount of PS3 owners.

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It has WII on the name.

Love the "it has Wii on it" replies it cracks me up really.

Wii Music is like it or not a good game, not to reviewers who obviously missed the point of the game, didn't know how to play the game, or didn't even put time into the game.

And most likely the sales are due to LBP being marketed very poorly and a lot of people like myself wasn't sure about LBP until it released and got my hands on it, same could be said for Wii Music but that was after what I read in reviews.

Really I think it's word of mouth, it's what got me to try Wii music, and then people that play the Wii is a bigger social group which many people talk to each other and recommend titles to each other. I mean my 360 fanboy friend told me to try Wii music cause he's big into music himself and it was probably his love for the 360 that convinced me that something was wrong with reviewers if a fanboy could love Wii Music.

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