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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why can't little big planet sell like wii music?

phisheep said:
It's a desire thing.

I don't have any particular desire to build videogame levels. Other people do that for me and do it so much better. Try and sell me something that is infinitely customisable and my first reaction is I'd have to spend half a lifetime customising it. No thanks.

I do have a desire to make music.

So Wii Music wins.


 I have zero desire to pretend my Wiimote is a flute.

I have had a tremendous amount of fun with LBP and I have yet to create a level.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



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Wii Music has a broader appeal than Little Big Planet.

Little Big Planet appeals to creative people who likes platformers, and are technofiles (well, they bought the PS3).

Wii Music appeals to creative people who likes music, and buy their console to have 'fun' with.

I dare say that the second group is slightly more broad then the first one. Naturally, the limitations of Wii Music and the brilliance of Little Big Planet is what makes their sales even at this time.

And there's also that Wii has a larger Userbase than the PS3, of course.


@dbot - If you think Wii Music's brilliance and appeal is in the imagining of the WiiMote being a flute, you are mistaken.

This is invisible text!

Oh, don't get me wrong dbot, I'm not knocking LBP and I've no doubt it is a deal of fun.

I'm just saying - those are the first impressions I got from hearing about the games, and so what would have influenced me to buy or not. So possibly what influences the sales.

I think LittleBigPlanet would sell a lot more if it was on Wii. Anyway, the Wii brand is the biggest brand in gaming right now so of course Wii Music is going to sell millions.


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rhisc said:

Then again a lot of things about the Wii completely baffle me like what is the big deal with Wii Fit?  Seriously a balance board?  Is this even a game? 

Two different answers:

1. Why does it have to be a game. If I enjoy it or if it helps me stay fit (both true) why isn't that enough. Is there something wrong with a console being useful?

2. It can be. When my grandson was visiting , he and all the boys in the neighborhood (ages 7-11) played on Wii Fit second only to MK Wii as a competitive game. They competed in the ski jump (favorite), downhill skiing, tightrope walking, hula hoop, soccerball head butt and foot race. I believe there were some other "games" they liked within Wii Fit but I can't recall them now. Actually several of the activities like ski jump, and tight rope walk are a lot of fun and as far as I know unique.


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Console Demographic...

nuff said

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toastboy44562 said:

Little big planet is a way better game in my opinion.

Wii music is set to outsell lbp next week.

Both games came at the same time, lbp was bundled.

How cum wii music is able to outsell it?


see how you answered your own question there?  sales data have proven your opinion is wrong.

kitler53 said:
toastboy44562 said:

Little big planet is a way better game in my opinion.

Wii music is set to outsell lbp next week.

Both games came at the same time, lbp was bundled.

How cum wii music is able to outsell it?


see how you answered your own question there?  sales data have proven your opinion is wrong.


An opinion about which game he prefers, can't be wrong.

Besides, plenty of "crap" games sell insane amounts, because they target a different market and different people, so sales are not exactly the standard to measure both games by.

gebx said:
Console Demographic...

nuff said



Grampy said:
Because revewers always ignore pre-teens in rating games. Wii Music may not thrill you or I but think how much fun it would be for the 5-12 group. Easy to play, your Mii in the game, 66 different istruments to play.

Now which console will a 5-12 yo most likely own?

Game - Set - Match

I can assure you that the game appeals to a much, much, much wider set of people. It surprises me to say this, but Wii Music may well be one of the deepest games I've ever played...mind you, the first hour or so is pretty rough.


And as a sidenote about this thread in general, I see many people are lining up to work for Wall Street soon. More power to you folks, I guess.