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Forums - Sony Discussion - Shuhei Yoshida: We have 5 RPGs in development

FM - A strong interest here in Japan is in role playing or deep strategy based games, why has Sony not played to these strengths with the Ps3?

Shuhei Yoshida - The inception of a console is one of trial and error. It is never one set path one takes to success and success should never come from an easy path. When a new console is introduced into the market it is expected of it to do well and to try new things in the process. We have tried many new things with the PS3 and will continue to try an introduce more western style games here to the Japanese market. With that said we are not ruling out our fanbase and their needs we are very aware of what they want and are working internally to create software that fits their needs.

FM - Anything you can speak of here?

Shuhei Yoshida - Names, no. But we have 5 projects underway inside of Sony that will cater to the fanbase you have described. We are also working with 3rd party to ensure we have those kinds of games coming in from their studios as well.




Great news for RPG fans - and me! :)

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That is a lot! Please let one be a SMT game!!

Sounds "too good" to be true...

@Konnichiwa, couldn't agree with you more

Does that include White Knight Chronicles? If so... then its only 4... Dark Cloud 3... pleeeeeeeese!!!

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

Bahm mention RPG and Onna is there =p.

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It does - but Sony has a LOT of first party studios ;)

This is very good news....

1 is WKC.....4 remaining

what could they be....

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey


I think maybe one of them could be from Team ICO...MAYBE

Good news, but there is a big question of when

Check my edited sentences....

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo