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Forums - General Discussion - Once you see it you can't unsee it!

chasmatic12 said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
That's the point of the logo. It's supposed to make you think of moving forward, in the direction the truck is driving.

So it's not on the other side?




Also this image is pretty funny =P

There is one arrow going back and one to the right! ZOMG

To Each Man, Responsibility
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d21lewis said:
Apparently, the OP was talking to me! My mind IS blown!!


Was it as good for you as it was for him?

To Each Man, Responsibility

What is seen cannot be unseen!

I've never seen it, and now I will never be able to un-see it.

FedEx shipping UPS trucks, lol.

Nintendo still doomed?
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Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

Woa, dude.....Awesome!

Seriously, I can't unsee it.

Around the Network

Whoa, my mind is blown!

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

chasmatic12 said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
That's the point of the logo. It's supposed to make you think of moving forward, in the direction the truck is driving.

So it's not on the other side?






and that pic of the FedEx truck hauling UPS vans doesn't look fake. Like, not at all.

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Resistance 2 Co-op (anyone call for a Medic?)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PC)
F.E.A.R. (PC)

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My 360 and Wii.

Okay, my mind is far from blown, I'm actually scratching my head. What was I supposed to be looking for in the picture?


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


I never noticed that before...but you are definitely right.

We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers…Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.  The only thing that really worried me was the ether.  There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. –Raoul Duke

It is hard to shed anything but crocodile tears over White House speechwriter Patrick Buchanan's tragic analysis of the Nixon debacle. "It's like Sisyphus," he said. "We rolled the rock all the way up the mountain...and it rolled right back down on us...."  Neither Sisyphus nor the commander of the Light Brigade nor Pat Buchanan had the time or any real inclination to question what they were doing...a martyr, to the bitter end, to a "flawed" cause and a narrow, atavistic concept of conservative politics that has done more damage to itself and the country in less than six years than its liberal enemies could have done in two or three decades. -Hunter S. Thompson

That was pretty cool, but I was expecting something like Goatse, to be honest. I'm glad it wasn't!