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Forums - Sales Discussion - Walmart to offer tens of thousands of Wiis on Monday

Groucho said:
leo-j said:
So then we can expect nearly 1 million for wii in NA?


Just for kicks, I'm gonna call 550K NA, 900K WW.  Hopefully ioi will post the #s shortly.

Who else wants to stick their neck out for a wild guess... oh I mean estimate? =)

Oooo, this is fun

I will bet double your NA prediction, and 1.7 times your WW

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Groucho said:
leo-j said:
So then we can expect nearly 1 million for wii in NA?


Just for kicks, I'm gonna call 550K NA, 900K WW.  Hopefully ioi will post the #s shortly.

Who else wants to stick their neck out for a wild guess... oh I mean estimate? =)

Ah, what the hell. Not like anyone ever expects me to be right anyhow.

350k NA, 800k WW.

I'm going low this week, higher next week. C'mon, small money!


Groucho said:
leo-j said:
So then we can expect nearly 1 million for wii in NA?


Just for kicks, I'm gonna call 550K NA, 900K WW.  Hopefully ioi will post the #s shortly.

Who else wants to stick their neck out for a wild guess... oh I mean estimate? =)


You really expect others sales to drop over 30% when their holiday buying is just starting to ramp up?

chamelean75 said:
noname2200 said:
Groucho said:
noname2200 said:
Groucho said:

Okay... so its the X360 Arcade that is hard to find around here (Seattle area) since Black Friday. Wii supply seems to be exceeding demand decently this year. They are stocked pretty high in just about every store (there are *mountains* of them).

Since you seem to be in the only place in America that's like that, buy some and eBay 'em dude. Easy money!


Seattle is supposed to be one of the "high tech" hotspots in America.  I would wager that Wiis are pretty commonplace here in and California, and perhaps New York, Chicago, etc.  Everyone who wants one, has one now.  Its rural America (which is the majority of consumers) that is probably still supply constrained, because the Wii is still "catching fire" there.


You can cut out California and New York. I live in the former (San Jose), and have friends and family in the latter. Wii's are still MIA (save for the Nintendo Store in NYC). Can't speak to the rest, but reports I've been hearing say otherwise.



No way.  I can tell you that finding a wii at target, best buy, circuit city, and frys is rare.  Costco does sell them but I don't know if they actually have them in stock in store.  There is no way that there is just a shortage in the rural midwest.  I live in the Bay Area (San Francisco Bay Area).



 Noname was actually saying the same thing you were. By saying "cut out" he was saying remove them from the list of availability.

I live in SF. It is and has been sold out in Ciruit CIty on Van Ness and both Best Buys. I also know that is hard to get in New York still and in most of the Philadelphia area including mainly South Jersey and Delaware.

In fact the opposite is true of what is proposed here. I am not sure about now but a few months go if you wanted one the best place to get on was Rural US places like Zaynesville OH and Wheeling WV had them in stock.

Two factors show there are areas of massive undersupply and those are Online availability which has fluctuated more recently but still roughly sold out and Ebay price which is still significantly above retail price and it wouldnt' be that far above if it was readily available.


It isn't just about experience or who you know or who you talk to or Ebay it is also reflected in sales Vs shipping.


Groucho said:


Just for kicks, I'm gonna call 550K NA, 900K WW.  Hopefully ioi will post the #s shortly.

Who else wants to stick their neck out for a wild guess... oh I mean estimate? =)


Your sig isn't exactly a great indicator of your sales knowledge.  You really think Wii and PS3 will each only sell 9M in 2009, and 360 only 6M?  Wii has sold 20M already this year and will do a few million more before it's over, so to think it'd go down so far from there is ridiculous.  Heck by July when you made those predictions, Wii had already sold more than 10 million in just half of the year.  To say nothing of your "End of '08" predictions, which are also pretty bad, especially for the Wii.  You're obviously wearing Sony-tinted glasses here.

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DKII said:
Groucho said:


Just for kicks, I'm gonna call 550K NA, 900K WW.  Hopefully ioi will post the #s shortly.

Who else wants to stick their neck out for a wild guess... oh I mean estimate? =)


Your sig isn't exactly a great indicator of your sales knowledge.  You really think Wii and PS3 will each only sell 9M in 2009, and 360 only 6M?  Wii has sold 20M already this year and will do a few million more before it's over, so to think it'd go down so far from there is ridiculous.  Heck by July when you made those predictions, Wii had already sold more than 10 million in just half of the year.  To say nothing of your "End of '08" predictions, which are also pretty bad, especially for the Wii.  You're obviously wearing Sony-tinted glasses here.

Umm, I made those predictions quite a while earlier this year, and although they are a fair bit off, I don't see any reason for you to knock me based upon them.  I saw the economic recession coming, and I figured it would have more of an impact on the consoles... clearly I was wrong.  I am okay with that.  I guess you're not?

As site manager, I would think you'd support more than a singular opinion.  Are you going to ban me for taking an early "guess" at this weeks numbers as well, and not jumping on the "Wii sells a million each week through '09' bandwagon?

Variety of opinion is pretty scary, and dangerous, eh?


@everyone else, you're all on.  I appreciate good fun, even if I end up way off. =)

"I also doubt that you can truly deny that my experience is any less common that your own, unless you are a sales professional, or otherwise."

All I'm saying is your prediction history isn't exactly unbiased, let alone inspiring.

FYI, the weeks leading up to Christmas are generally larger than Black Friday week, *especially* worldwide where Black Friday doesn't even matter. You have the information on this site, might as well make use of it if you're going to try and argue something.

2007 Sales:

Black Friday, Week Ending 11/25/07 (Worldwide | Americas)
Wii: 670k | 440k
360: 420k | 330k
PS3: 360k | 175k
DS: 1.4M | 700k
PSP: 400k | 215k
PS2: 400k | 260k

Xmas, Week Ending 12/23/07 (Worldwide | Americas)
Wii: 1.5M | 750k
360: 590k | 380k
PS3: 620k | 230k
DS: 2M | 900k
PSP: 750k | 305k
PS2: 720k | 370k

As you can see, there were significant increases in sales for all systems through December, with the Wii seeing one of the largest. To say something like "I don't think we're going to see another super week (like BF) for the Wii this year.. or for any console." is a pretty foolish statement in that light. Any economic downturn would affect sales across the board, not the ratio between Black Friday sales and Xmas Week sales. The fact that you predict Others Wii sales to be randomly down 20% this week (there was no unusual boost last week there since Black Friday isn't a big deal there) only accentuates it.'m scared now..I think I see why fanboys hate the Wii..

it's sells food...and water...

Groucho is at it again....if it' not's Leo-J or some other fanboy

god...why are we even on a sales site anyway?

use your brains please

btw good job DKII, owned him completely..he just wants to be a troll or blind..either one of those

Last year the Week after bf was smaller in america than BF... total hw fell from 2.2 mil to 1.6 mil, and total software fell from 12 mil to 9 mil.

2 weeks after BF sales returned to about the same as BF, and the week before cmas was much larger(as DKII indicated)

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut