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"I also doubt that you can truly deny that my experience is any less common that your own, unless you are a sales professional, or otherwise."

All I'm saying is your prediction history isn't exactly unbiased, let alone inspiring.

FYI, the weeks leading up to Christmas are generally larger than Black Friday week, *especially* worldwide where Black Friday doesn't even matter. You have the information on this site, might as well make use of it if you're going to try and argue something.

2007 Sales:

Black Friday, Week Ending 11/25/07 (Worldwide | Americas)
Wii: 670k | 440k
360: 420k | 330k
PS3: 360k | 175k
DS: 1.4M | 700k
PSP: 400k | 215k
PS2: 400k | 260k

Xmas, Week Ending 12/23/07 (Worldwide | Americas)
Wii: 1.5M | 750k
360: 590k | 380k
PS3: 620k | 230k
DS: 2M | 900k
PSP: 750k | 305k
PS2: 720k | 370k

As you can see, there were significant increases in sales for all systems through December, with the Wii seeing one of the largest. To say something like "I don't think we're going to see another super week (like BF) for the Wii this year.. or for any console." is a pretty foolish statement in that light. Any economic downturn would affect sales across the board, not the ratio between Black Friday sales and Xmas Week sales. The fact that you predict Others Wii sales to be randomly down 20% this week (there was no unusual boost last week there since Black Friday isn't a big deal there) only accentuates it.