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Forums - Sales Discussion - Wii in Japan - Down 577,000 Units For The Year Compared to 2007?

Just reading an article from another charting site.  Don't want to ruffle any feathers so won't post the link.  You can find it from if you wish.

It says:

'2008 Wii has sold 577,323 fewer consoles in 48 weeks than were sold in 2007.'.

Is this accurate?

PSN - hanafuda

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Probably true, I haven't looked at it, but I think all the consoles other than the 360 have been down this year in Japan to some degree. Perhaps they are just moving away from consoles in general and instead favoring handhelds more and more, I dunno.


I thought it would be more actually, only the handhelds are doing ok in Japan

On the portable front, DS has seen a large drop YoY mostly due to saturation, though the DSi has helped combat that as of late.  The PSP has improved due to new SKUs and the fact that practically everyone already has a DS already.

On the console front, only the 360 has improved YoY.  Console gaming just isn't as popular as handhelds in Japan anymore.

VGChartz Hardware data for the period 06th Jan 2007 to 01st Dec 2007:

Console Wii PS3 X360 PSP DS PS2

VGChartz Hardware data for the period 05th Jan 2008 to 29th Nov 2008:

Console Wii PS3 X360 PSP DS PS2

Wow. Less than half the DS sales for 2008!

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The Japanese console market has been in a bit of a downswing for a while now, actually. It started manifesting itself around 2006 or so, when adoption of newer systems was decidedly lacklustre, and persists even now as the PS2 and DS still get the bulk of the software released over there in spite of their market saturation.

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The table shows that the the DS is off by half, the PS2 by over one-third, the Wii by over one-sixth, and the PS3 by over one-seventh.

Meanwhile, the 360 is up by almost one-fourth and the PSP is up by almost one-third.


Despite its drop, the Wii still leads -- and has outsold the competition combined by over 2:1.

However, the PSP is ouotselling the DS -- though the introduction of the DSi could move the Nintendo handheld back tot he leadership position by the end of the year.


Mike from Morgantown


Japan Wii  PS3  X360  PSP  DS  PS2
2007 2,990,437 1,012,717 223,188 2,508,631 6,293,444 725,507
2008 2,459,974 854,342 277,870 3,288,748 3,144,471 450,965

Change -530,463 -158,375 54,682 780,117 -3,148,973 -274,542
Percent -17.7% -15.6% 24.5% 31.1% -50.0% -37.8%


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psp had a grow too.

outlawauron said:
Wow. Less than half the DS sales for 2008!


Almost 1/4 of the populations have one, what did you expect? :P

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and almost no game in Japan for the wii sold more than 100k. mostly all are 1st party, third party games are struggling on the wii

only 6 third party games sold more than 100k, while 13 third party games sold more than 100k on the ps3