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Forums - Sales Discussion - Games that sold better on the PS3 opposed to the 360.

Max King of the Wild said:
Undying said:
CGI-Quality said:
@ Neo

RE5 is a toss up, remember it will sell better on PS3 in Japan and probably Others, but Others is a toss up too, who knows, can't call it yet though. But Japan, yea it will sell better on PS3.


It will be 2:1 on the 360 for this i am quite sure.


 Bet? You also thought LBP would sell 300k LT.

Yes well....No one called that one right.


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darthdevidem01 said:

Damage control FTW!


Dude! 3980 of the 4000 multiplats this gen sold better on the 360. WTF, lol. Damage control? Why would a 360 owner need any.

That said, one reason that games sell is lack of quality competition. I just read a post about WKC sales in Japan, and everyone seems to think that Japanese gamers want some jrpgs badly and that'll help WKC...well by inference if there were a million jrpgs already on the console, it might hurt WKC sales.

Assuming that early on, when the PS3's library was relatively weak at the top end, some games might have sold well on it that wouldn't have sold well on the Xbox 360, then that's a valid point as well. It's not even an excuse. It's just something that's obvious to everyone. I mean, it's obvious that competition is a factor in sales, isn't it?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Yay! now anyone wanna make A make a thread games that sold better on the 360 opposed to the PS3? who's willing to spend 100000 hours making a long list of 360 games that outsold the Ps3 version?

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

All the mediocre multi-plat games sold better on the PS3. No AAA titles on that list.

yeah most games that made people buy a PS2 will sell better on PS3 because of Brand Recognition. Much like if halo 4 was to be released on PS4 it would sell better on the xbox720 because of Brand name recognition lol its common sense

Long Live SHIO!

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haxxiy said:
All PS2-exclusive franchises are selling better in PS3 which is a clear signal to where its userbase is moving to. It will be intersting to see the launch of RE5 and FFXIII, both games have a strong chance of selling more on the PS3.


Guitar Hero is a PS2 exclusive franchise which sells better on Xbox 360 (and best on Wii).  What about that section of the userbase :)


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axumblade said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
darthdevidem01 said:

Damage control FTW!


Dude! 3980 of the 4000 multiplats this gen sold better on the 360. WTF, lol. Damage control? Why would a 360 owner need any.

That said, one reason that games sell is lack of quality competition. I just read a post about WKC sales in Japan, and everyone seems to think that Japanese gamers want some jrpgs badly and that'll help WKC...well by inference if there were a million jrpgs already on the console, it might hurt WKC sales.

Assuming that early on, when the PS3's library was relatively weak at the top end, some games might have sold well on it that wouldn't have sold well on the Xbox 360, then that's a valid point as well. It's not even an excuse. It's just something that's obvious to everyone. I mean, it's obvious that competition is a factor in sales, isn't it?

I do believe he was joking...




Undying said:
Malachi said:

This won't end well, you just know somebody gonna make one about the 360 now...


95% of multiplatform games sell better on 360. That would be one hell of a list.

That kind of was my point, if you want to make your console of choice look good it's wiser to focus on the aspect where it is doing better.


Persons without argument hide behind their opinion

Usually, games popular in Japan and Europe (dynasty warrior and soccer) would make it a better seller on the PS3, while America friendly games would favor the 360, such as shooters.

FreeTalkLive said:
haxxiy said:
All PS2-exclusive franchises are selling better in PS3 which is a clear signal to where its userbase is moving to. It will be intersting to see the launch of RE5 and FFXIII, both games have a strong chance of selling more on the PS3.


Guitar Hero is a PS2 exclusive franchise which sells better on Xbox 360 (and best on Wii).  What about that section of the userbase :)

No. Just Guitar Hero I is exclusive to PS2.

And still, the best selling GH is on the PS2, a sign it's userbase hasn't moved yet to a current gen console.