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GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

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Munkeh111 said:
.:Dark Prince:. said:
Can't wait for Star Ocean 4. Looks stunning!

Any known release date for Europe?

That is the problem!


Oh :/

Then let's hope it's region-free :p


.:Dark Prince:. said:
Munkeh111 said:
.:Dark Prince:. said:
Can't wait for Star Ocean 4. Looks stunning!

Any known release date for Europe?

That is the problem!


Oh :/

Then let's hope it's region-free :p

We can dream!

   I called you a fanboy because of "2008

PS3 :             War has changed : The Empire is back !
2008 Xbox360 :     The Death phase always follows the Saturation phase ...
2008 Wii :              Casual, We love You(r money) !"


That,i didnt explain anything to you i said im not gonna argue with you,as in debating against you about 360 vs PC games,and im not going to cause its a lose-lose situtation.


Garnett said:


 1/ my sig was written 1 year ago and i will bring another one for 2009 that will take in count the recent AND unpredictable rise in Xbox360 sales in Others, the FFXIII announcement on Xbox360.

Xbox360 is DEFINITIVELY not dead.

I agree my sig looks really dated now ...

2/ u still answered to me explaining me that Alan Wake was still console exclusive

SO, I m not a fanboy according to ur first post ;))

Time to Work !

FYI: The only confirmed CG scene would be the space scene from Star Ocean 4 - the rest from SO4 are in-game.

Definitely looking forward to SO4, Alan Wake, and KUF2. SCC may be on my list if it proves to be good (not a big Splinter Cell fan, but the idea of a bourne identity-esque espionage game looks awesome, IMO).

I emplore every VGC-er to look into the real Kingdom Under Fire series - I can assure you that Phantagram can indeed deliver actually good gameplay along with such insane scenes. Heroes and Crusaders were both phenominal games...All they'd need would be a graphical update, and they'd be AAA games today.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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Alan Wake looks amazing and will get a buy from me. I might get SO4 but I don't really play role playing games anymore. I'm interested in Huxley but I'll wait and see. I'll also wait and see about Splinter Cell. The rest don't interest me. I got sucked into the hype and bought Halo 3 Legendary edition and was absolutely let down. I am a single player campaign person more then online and the single player was utter crap imho so I doubt I'll give the expansion pack the time of day.
Some impressive looking games though. Also an awesome thread. This is what that other thread wished it could be.


EDIT: KUF2 was under my radar. I hadn't even heard from it until now. So thank you as that vid looked amazing. I will keep it on my radar. I just hope it plays well. That part that you could tell was gameplay didn't quite look as amazing, kind of reminded me of lair and that game sucked. But I'll be watching and hoping it's awesome! :)

PS3 Trophies



Halo wars baby!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

star ocean seems awesome!

the only game i wish i had a 360 for.... : (

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

libellule said:

I called you a fanboy because of "2008

PS3 : War has changed : The Empire is back !
2008 Xbox360 : The Death phase always follows the Saturation phase ...
2008 Wii : Casual, We love You(r money) !"


That,i didnt explain anything to you i said im not gonna argue with you,as in debating against you about 360 vs PC games,and im not going to cause its a lose-lose situtation.


Garnett said:


1/ my sig was written 1 year ago and i will bring another one for 2009 that will take in count the recent AND unpredictable rise in Xbox360 sales in Others, the FFXIII announcement on Xbox360.

Xbox360 is DEFINITIVELY not dead.

I agree my sig looks really dated now ...

2/ u still answered to me explaining me that Alan Wake was still console exclusive

SO, I m not a fanboy according to ur first post ;))

Your sig was really a fanboy sig,360 is gonna die,PS3 is coming back,Wii want your money,how ever if you are not a fanboy i apologize,and im not going to argue/debate against you with the hole 360 vs pc thing..


How ever the games for 2009 look good,really good,both systems shall bring out the big guns.

mrstickball said:
FYI: The only confirmed CG scene would be the space scene from Star Ocean 4 - the rest from SO4 are in-game.

Definitely looking forward to SO4, Alan Wake, and KUF2. SCC may be on my list if it proves to be good (not a big Splinter Cell fan, but the idea of a bourne identity-esque espionage game looks awesome, IMO).

I emplore every VGC-er to look into the real Kingdom Under Fire series - I can assure you that Phantagram can indeed deliver actually good gameplay along with such insane scenes. Heroes and Crusaders were both phenominal games...All they'd need would be a graphical update, and they'd be AAA games today.

Under Fire was great, but I thought Crusaders was a step down for the series.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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