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Forums - Sales Discussion - Will Christmas give R2 & LBP give the Sales they deserve?

They will sell well....but nothing compared to 360 monsters like gears 2

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

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jingho said:
They deserve how they are doing now

R2 deserves its current sales, but LBP deserves twice of curretn sales.


Oyvoyvoyv said:

Max, are you a joke account?


4 weeks ending January 25th 2008.

Total SW sales:  ~ 20M

Average SW weekly: 5M


47 weeks ending 28th November 2008

Total SW sales: 405M

Average SW weekly: 8.6M


I checked, the difference is bigger for 2007.



4 weeks ending 25th January: 6.5M

Average weekly: 1.63M


47 weeks ending 28th November 2008: 79.4M

Average weekly: 1.68M


So for hardware, January is almost exactly as big as the rest of the year. No real difference.

For software, January is a fair amount smaller than the rest of the year, simply because people have relatively lately been buying a lot of SW, and doesn't feel like buying a lot more.


I really hope I am misunderstanding what you say, because otherwise you have no point whatsoever.

PS: When you have data, write what the data is for. Otherwise, it makes no sense to anyone but you, and we cannot disprove your data.


 Well sir, you are wrong. I said what my data was for. Of course SW is going to be higher in 2008 weekly compared to 2008 in Jan. 2008 had Wii Fit, SSBB, MGS4, Gears2, LBP, NG2, PES '09, Mario Kart, Call of Duty WaW, GT5:P, Resistance 2, more bundles and sales (AKA WII SPORTS), and more HW it was selling to.

Wii sold 790k in Jan. (Not including Japan)

Wii sold 16.56mil after that. (Not including Japan)

Minus those from your numbers and you will see Jan is higher in SW in Jan than the rest of the year (average) even with those gigantic releases.

(Jan - 1.4 average. Rest of the year 1.3)

godemperor said:
jingho said:
They deserve how they are doing now

R2 deserves its current sales, but LBP deserves twice of curretn sales.


R2 is horrible ,WTH happened ? R1 was a solid game. I regret buying R2 . LBP, well i played on a stand and that was more than enough .

What I have noticed is that the buying patterns on the PS3 are erratic and non-predictable. Games like Bioshock and orange Box should have sold much, much more but didn't. Games like Motorstorm2, Resistance2 should sell the same as the originals, but most likely will not. Sales on the Xbox tend to be a little more predictable. This might end up being an issues with 3rd party developers and the trend to not being exclusive to PS3 for this reason alone.

My personnal feeling is that as time progresses, and the library of games increases, the incentive to buy $59.99 games goes down significantly (as opposed to launch time). This is likely the reason why Resistance and Motorstorm did as well as they did as there was nothing else to play at that time but now there is too much choice, and thus even though the user base is larger, the sales do not match.

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I figure it can't hurt them in any way shape or form right? ^^ The sales are only going to get better :P

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