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Forums - Website Topics - Test: What do you really know about VGChartz data?

I wasn't really sure where to put this, so I put it here.

Essentially, this is a quiz. It only contains data from VGChartz. The question is - how much do you know? Okay, so simply copy and paste the 10 questions below into a rich text reply, and answer the questions. At the end of my post, I will post a link to the correct answers. I know this will let you be able to cheat, but I trust that you are all smart people, who won't do such stupid things 


Of course, you have to score youself. Post your score


I recommend doing the quiz - it will just take a couple of minutes tops, and it could be fun.

So anyway, on to the quiz. Oh, and if anyone else wants to make a quiz, that is great.


1. What is the best selling console game in Japan? And how much has it sold?


2. How much has the Wii, Ps3 and X360 sold combined so far this year (up untill week ending 29th November)


3. Not counting Wii Sports, what is the best selling single-platform game in Americas so far this year (up untill week ending 29th November)


4. What is the best selling game in Japan so far this year?


5. How many units has the PsP sold WW?


6. How many games have sold over 10K on Wii, according to VGChartz data?


7. How much more has the combined versions of GTA IV sold than the combined versions of Call of Duty 4?


8. How many % of the games that have beaten 10M on a single machine, have "Mario" in its name?


9. How many % of the DS, PsP, Wii, X360 and Ps3's sales come from Americas?


10. How much retail software was sold on black friday week 2008, according to VGChartz?


And a link to the answers.


Any advices on changes to be made is appreciated, or feedback in general.  Anyone else making a test would also be appreciated (shouldn't be too hard - this took me less than 15 minutes).

What did you score? Maybe you can beat me - I scored 59/100.

PS: Thanks to C0rd for making me edit nr 8.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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=p Make a test like that about the VGCHARTZ community and it would be a hit!

Lol i don't think i can't answer any of them correctly :P how did you got a 59? o.0

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Oyvoyvoyv said:


Of course, you have to score youself. Post your score


I recommend doing the quiz - it will just take a couple of minutes tops, and it could be fun.

So anyway, on to the quiz. Oh, and if anyone else wants to make a quiz, that is great.


1. What is the best selling console game in Japan? And how much has it sold? Pokemon Red & Blue.


2. How much has the Wii, Ps3 and X360 sold combined so far this year (up untill week ending 29th November): From my estimations, about 36 million. But I don't really know.


3. Not counting Wii Sports, what is the best selling single-platform game in Americas so far this year (up untill week ending 29th November): Without looking, I dare to guess Super Smash Bros Brawl.


4. What is the best selling game in Japan so far this year: Monster Hunter Freedom 2nd G


5. How many units has the PsP sold WW? 40.73 million. It wasn't really cheating since I accidentally switched to the home page.


6. How many games have sold over 10K on Wii, according to VGChartz data? Hundreds, I would imagine. I certainly couldn't know without looking.


7. How much more has the combined versions of GTA IV sold than the combined versions of Call of Duty 4? 500k or so would be my guess.


8. How many % of the games that have beaten 10M on a single console, have "Mario" in its name? A lot.


9. How many % of the DS, PsP, Wii, X360 and Ps3's sales come from Americas? I'm getting frustrated now.


10. How much retail software was sold on black friday week 2008, according to VGChartz? I give up.





What is the best selling CONSOLE GAME in Japan?

Montana=> Gameboy!!

Sorry but that was funny.

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konnichiwa said:
What is the best selling CONSOLE GAME in Japan?

Montana=> Gameboy!!

Sorry but that was funny.

I should have you know that the cold affects my reading comprehension. And the answer is Pokemon Red & Blue.

Damn editing...




82, mind you, I guessed on a couple, and I was just looking at the game db right before finding this thread, and there have been a few arguments over million sellers (yesterday?)

Only 2 gave me a real problem and I guessed WAY to low. 1,3,4,5 were easy.

6 I guessed how you counted it, so I just guessed total number of released games that we have sales for which was close enough, but inaccurate. Some of those games say 0.01 for the totals, but if you go to compare games and look at the graphs, a bunch of them never hit 10k.

9 and 10 were easy enough to guess for 6 points.

so not to shabby

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
11/03/09 Desposit: Mod Bribery (RolStoppable)  vg$ 500.00
06/03/09 Purchase: Moderator Privilege  vg$ -50,000.00

Nordlead Jr. Photo/Video Gallery!!! (Video Added 4/19/10)

Oyvoyvoyv said:

1. What is the best selling console game in Japan? And how much has it sold?

Uh... I'd have to go with Super Mario Bros.... with uh... around 5 million units sold... Maybe?

2. How much has the Wii, Ps3 and X360 sold combined so far this year (up untill week ending 29th November)

This year? Ugh... I'd say... 35 million? I'm in trouble aren't I?

3. Not counting Wii Sports, what is the best selling single-platform game in Americas so far this year (up untill week ending 29th November)

Either Smash Bros. or Mario Kart Wii... or is it Wii Fit? Curses! I'll go with Brawl.

4. What is the best selling game in Japan so far this year?

Monster Hunter for the PSP? Help me.

5. How many units has the PsP sold WW?

40.39ish million.

6. How many games have sold over 10K on Wii, according to VGChartz data?

A whole bunch! I have no idea.

7. How much more has the combined versions of GTA IV sold than the combined versions of Call of Duty 4?

1.67 Million. Yes, I just made up that number.

8. How many % of the games that have beaten 10M on a single console, have "Mario" in its name?

%? You gotta be kidding me. XD Uh... 18%

9. How many % of the DS, PsP, Wii, X360 and Ps3's sales come from Americas?


10. How much retail software was sold on black friday week 2008, according to VGChartz?

22 Million units of Software

And a link to the answers.

Let's see here...

1. 5
2. 8
3. 10 (Yeah I got it!)
4. 10 (Edumacated guess ftw)
5. 10
6. 0 ()
7. 4
8. 3
9. 6
10. 3

Total: 59 points!


Oyvoyvoyv said:

1. What is the best selling console game in Japan? And how much has it sold?

SMB at... 5.5mil?

2. How much has the Wii, Ps3 and X360 sold combined so far this year (up untill week ending 29th November)

Hrm... 20 + 8 + 8 = 36 mil.

3. Not counting Wii Sports, what is the best selling single-platform game in Americas so far this year (up untill week ending 29th November)

Should be SSBB. Sold at least 4.3mil here, I think...

4. What is the best selling game in Japan so far this year?

Pokemon DiamondPlatinum? (please don't be Wii Fit)

5. How many units has the PsP sold WW?

40.5mil? I know this is close, because when I checked earlier it showed my 09 prediction for it is way off.

6. How many games have sold over 10K on Wii, according to VGChartz data?

No freakin clue. Wild guess... 500?

7. How much more has the combined versions of GTA IV sold than the combined versions of Call of Duty 4?


8. How many % of the games that have beaten 10M on a single console, have "Mario" in its name?

No handhelds help Mario here, let's see... 55%! Off the top of my head I can only think of 11 10m+ sellers.

9. How many % of the DS, PsP, Wii, X360 and Ps3's sales come from Americas?

~78 out of ~208 makes... ~37.5%

10. How much retail software was sold on black friday week 2008, according to VGChartz?

Meh, I don't pay attention to these. I'll go with 25mil.

And a link to the answers.

1. 5 points? LAME!

4. Okay, I had no idea MH came out this year... People always lumped it with the PSP-2000 boost, so I assumed... ugh. Wrong one I guess, huh?

8. HEY! Are handhelds consoles or not!? (consoles are 40%, so I'm still off, oh well). Mixed up GT with MK64, and forgot WP, WS, WF and SM-A. I'm stupid...

9. Oh that sucks, I'm 1.2% off, yet 39.9 (+1.2 off) gets 10 points! xP

56 points.

edit: Cheated a bit, I honestly meant Pokemon Platinum, not Diamond. Too many versions, mixes me up xP

That's a hard test, there's no way someone could know all that without looking at the data.

Nintendo still doomed?
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