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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wait. Games of Quarter 1 2009 belongs to?

RayRay102 said:
jerseyboy609 said:
@RayRay102, so you are saying that halo wars will outsell KZ2?! I am definitely making it a bet and putting it into my sig


 Of course it will. It is Halo, It has free Halo 3 mappack (Crackdown Beta anyone), and Microsoft is going to hype and market the crap out of it. 

Killzone= Huh, Resistance 2 anyone.

I don't need to take your money, save it up for GOW3 and GT5 in 2010. LOL.

nice troll job.


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Soriku said:


WW. The game has no chance of coming over until 2010 so Westerners like us can't necessarily argue which is best because it won't release here =/ On the other hand, SO4 comes in 3-4 months. Tbh in 2009 the HD consoles are pathrtic JRPG wise. Maybe not in quality, but quantity. WW the 360 only has SO4 and WW the PS3 only has WKC. Thanfully for a Wii owner like myself, it has Fragile, Tales (WW release please? D:), Arc Rise, Muramasa, Kizuna, Rune Factory, etc. :P

That's all I was asking if you meant WW or not

Although WKC will give it a run for its money,(I assume it will hit NA by the end of 2009) but SO4 is more the style of RPG that I like.

and thankfully for a tri-console owner like myself...I have access to all of those Personally Arc Rise is #1 for me for Wii RPG's. (turn-based FTW!)

didnt we just have a thread about not bringing up wii in PS3 vs 360 discussions? lol

interesting point: looks like wii exclusives have a chance of being the best in Q1/Q2 whilst being the worst in Q3/Q4. at least from the releases we know about

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


Start your thread with "Sony Fanboys".

Way to go. >_>

RayRay102 said:
Just as I thought when I made this topic.

It is the same old same old from the Sony fanboys.

1. Halo 3 won't sell, Ninja Blade look stupid, or I hate RPG now, or GTA4 DLC do not count.

2. If we are going to use this same excuse evertime, what about motorstorm 2, Lair, Haze, folklord and the other PS3 exclusives. These games don't sell well and bombed hard in sales.

3. Also, stop talking about games that in the future and totally ignored the topic. I even said Killzone will be a great game an I will buy it but in America but the truth is Microsoft has more exclusives coming out in Q1 of 2009. It is a fact.


First off, I'm not not a Fanboy and I got the consoles to prove it. 

1. Ninja Blade can't look stupid, we don't even know what it looks like. Also, DLC shouldn't count for a multitude of reasons. You also need to draw a line somewhere and i think it's fair to do it at DLC.

2. Are we talking about sales? You keep changing your tune on this. Personally I don't care about sales, just my enjoyment of the game. (although sales help bring sequels)

3. I already said the 360 has more games in Q1, but more doesn't mean better for each person, it is subjective. I want SO:TLH the most, but I could not care about Halo Wars less since I don't like RTS'. (especially on a console)

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RayRay102 said:
Just as I thought when I made this topic.

It is the same old same old from the Sony fanboys.

1. Halo 3 won't sell, Ninja Blade look stupid, or I hate RPG now, or GTA4 DLC do not count.

2. If we are going to use this same excuse evertime, what about motorstorm 2, Lair, Haze, folklord and the other PS3 exclusives. These games don't sell well and bombed hard in sales.

3. Also, stop talking about games that in the future and totally ignored the topic. I even said Killzone will be a great game an I will buy it but in America but the truth is Microsoft has more exclusives coming out in Q1 of 2009. It is a fact.

I agree with this post


Anyways, here is my Q1 purchase:

Halo Wars, SO4, GTA4: Last and the Damned, RE5(co op on xbox live with friends), SF4(already have theHori Stick, and Live).

Killzone 2

You bunch of heathens. There is only one almighty deserving of worship. Behold PC Gaming's Q1 09:

Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty

Empire: Total War


Anno 1404

Cities XL



Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor

Dragon Age: Origins

Storm of War: Battle of Britain

Zeno Clash

Mirror’s Edge

Burnout Paradise

Saints Row 2

And these aren't even half of Q1's PC exclusives.


2009 will be PC gaming's best year ever: The Diamond Age of PC.


PSP is my vote!

In North America Q1, we will get:

Locoroco 2
Patapon 2
Resistance Retribution
Star Ocean: Second Evolution
Phantasy Star Portable

Am I right, or am I right?

RayRay102 said:
Anyways, here is my Q1 purchase:

Halo Wars, SO4, GTA4: Last and the Damned, RE5(co op on xbox live with friends), SF4(already have theHori Stick, and Live).

Killzone 2


 For me

X360: SO4, SF4

PS3: Killzone 2, RE5, and Valkyria Chronicles DLC (since were adding it into the