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Soriku said:


WW. The game has no chance of coming over until 2010 so Westerners like us can't necessarily argue which is best because it won't release here =/ On the other hand, SO4 comes in 3-4 months. Tbh in 2009 the HD consoles are pathrtic JRPG wise. Maybe not in quality, but quantity. WW the 360 only has SO4 and WW the PS3 only has WKC. Thanfully for a Wii owner like myself, it has Fragile, Tales (WW release please? D:), Arc Rise, Muramasa, Kizuna, Rune Factory, etc. :P

That's all I was asking if you meant WW or not

Although WKC will give it a run for its money,(I assume it will hit NA by the end of 2009) but SO4 is more the style of RPG that I like.

and thankfully for a tri-console owner like myself...I have access to all of those Personally Arc Rise is #1 for me for Wii RPG's. (turn-based FTW!)