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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wait. Games of Quarter 1 2009 belongs to?

Max King of the Wild said:
Stats87 said:

Why did you say demon soul? Why not just go straight to the source and say ninja blade? Both games don't look good.

Rayray - DLC doesn't really count since it won't move any hardware. That's the point of these lists right? And you should really go look at Red Alert sales. I can't see Halo Wars doing much better than it.


because at least we've seen Gameplay of Demon Soul, so it acts as more current proof of From Software's inability to make qualit games.

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lol at ninja blade ....from software makes realy mediocre games not something to shout about

and about star ocean 4,isnt this game made from the same people that made unfinite undiscovery????a game that scored 68 ???(if u have as a argument that killzone also scored a 70 i will answer you that killzone was a last gen game,and if u thought that as an argument you really havent seen any gameplay video)

gta4 dlc has nothing to do with retail games.....

about halo wars well of course everything that has halo in its title will sell,however do you know a lot of console owners to care about real time strategy games????

so ps3 has only killzone2 however its a really hyped game!!!!
well we couls also put on the list the exclusive demo of ffxiii which comes in japan with the blu-ray release of advent children,and i also think that infamous will be released around that time...

RayRay102 said:

According the Gamestop that game will be released no earlier than May. Jan - April, stick to the topic.

No, Lost and the Damned is not just a horse armor DLC, it is a side story based on another character and it is exclusives and it is GTA so it must coun't for something.

Hell, if you are just going to put in an unproven exclusives like Infamous, why can't anoter unproven exclusive be counted. Make no freaking sense.

First of all, I thought it was coming out in April, so settle down,

2nd of all, we've SEEN InFamous gameplay footage and it looks good. On top of that, Sucker Punch who is making the game, are GOOD developers with a proven track record of making GOOD games.

Ninja has ZERO gameplay footage from a mediocre developer at best.

So let's take out InFamous to appease you, the "score" is 2-1...big bloody deal. Q1 is usually pretty lame


NIKOS_SE said:
lol at ninja blade ....from software makes realy mediocre games not something to shout about

and about star ocean 4,isnt this game made from the same people that made unfinite undiscovery????a game that scored 68 and the last remenant a game that is scored 65???(if u have as a argument that killzone also scored a 70 i will answer you that killzone was a last gen game,and if u thought that as an argument you really havent seen any gameplay video)

gta4 dlc has nothing to do with retail games.....

about halo wars well of course everything that has halo in its title will sell,however do you know a lot of console owners to care about real time strategy games????

so ps3 has only killzone2 however its a really hyped game!!!!
well we couls also put on the list the exclusive demo of ffxiii which comes in japan with the blu-ray release of advent children,and i also think that infamous will be released around that time...


 there you go

Soriku said:
SO4 > Any other HD game in 2009. 360 wins.



Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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You people are killing me.

OK, who said anything about sales I am talking about games and can you please stick with the topic and say there is another exclusives other than KZ2 that the PS3 have in Jan - April.

You are fooling yourself if you don't think Free HAlo mappacks and name "Halo" will sell well . The US and Europe it eat it up. Also, it will most likely outsell KZ2 anyways

ClaudeLv250 said:
Soriku said:
SO4 > Any other HD game in 2009. 360 wins.



looking at your sig and avatar...I'm surprised by your agreement...


RayRay102 said:

You people are killing me.

OK, who said anything about sales I am talking about games and can you please stick with the topic and say there is another exclusives other than KZ2 that the PS3 have in Jan - April.

You are fooling yourself if you don't think Free HAlo mappacks and name "Halo" will sell well . The US and Europe it eat it up. Also, it will most likely outsell KZ2 anyways


 Yes and the fact that you missed Yakuza 3 and Demons Soul for Japan and SOCOM for europe makes your list crap.

Neoraf said:

Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope (Hell Yea!)
Halo Wars (really...)
Ninja Blade
The Lost and Damned (DLC, not a game)


Killzone 2

The Agency

Fat Princess (PSN)

Pretty easy.
Owning both consoles, I have to say Xbox 360=PS3 Q1 2009.


 fixed ;)

RayRay102 said:

You people are killing me.

OK, who said anything about sales I am talking about games and can you please stick with the topic and say there is another exclusives other than KZ2 that the PS3 have in Jan - April.

You are fooling yourself if you don't think Free HAlo mappacks and name "Halo" will sell well . The US and Europe it eat it up. Also, it will most likely outsell KZ2 anyways


you just contradicted yourself within a few words

the point of this topic I gather is to put PS3 Fanboys in their place. But all you've really done is shown that Q1 is pretty lame for both consoles, assuming nothing else gets confirmed. You have to draw the line somewhere and I'm drawing it at "quality", sorry if I'm being outrageous.

Congratulations, your 360 has 2 new games that are likely to be good versus the PS3's 1, you can resume being happy.