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RayRay102 said:

You people are killing me.

OK, who said anything about sales I am talking about games and can you please stick with the topic and say there is another exclusives other than KZ2 that the PS3 have in Jan - April.

You are fooling yourself if you don't think Free HAlo mappacks and name "Halo" will sell well . The US and Europe it eat it up. Also, it will most likely outsell KZ2 anyways


you just contradicted yourself within a few words

the point of this topic I gather is to put PS3 Fanboys in their place. But all you've really done is shown that Q1 is pretty lame for both consoles, assuming nothing else gets confirmed. You have to draw the line somewhere and I'm drawing it at "quality", sorry if I'm being outrageous.

Congratulations, your 360 has 2 new games that are likely to be good versus the PS3's 1, you can resume being happy.