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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Days of Just Assuming that the Wii Version is Inferior are OVER!

MaxwellGT2000 said:
Ari_Gold said:
i agree with mr bubbles, reviewers have come up with a different way to review Wii games, and don't compare them directly to their HD counterparts.


Well to be quite honest, you're ideas are usually wrong = I mean you said you beat me at Mario Kart when I didn't even play you and the only way you could have played me is joining a game my friend was playing while I was away.

That and the fact... that well facts say otherwise just like Gnizmo pointed out, people are directly comparing games like Shaun White, Guitar Hero, and Call of Duty on all the platforms vs each other, it's just usually Wii reviewers take the HD counterpart into the review while the HD review rarely takes anything from the Wii review, usually only compairing 360 vs PS3, cause they love to leave out the fact that Dual Analog sucks for FPS and Wii remote and Mouse and KB destroy it

geez not that crap again. You're posting your opinion as a fact, and to be quite honest, its bad for vgchartz. Your opinions are different than mine, that doesn't make them the absolute truth you know. This is a place for civil discussion, not just I THINK Wii MOTE IS BETTER.. BLA BLA BLA...  Dual Analogs don't suck for FPS, for every person that hates Dual Analog, theres another one that hates Wii remote. Yes the Mouse and KB destroys everything including the Wiimote, but thats not what this thread is about huh?



Whenever you want to play mario kart just say it, i'll gladly admit defeat.


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theprof00 said:

I edited my post, here is an addition.

"Not only that, but I thought everyone knew that reviewers base their scores on that platform's other games. For example, how can you give a console game a score and then the pc game the same score or lower even though the PC one will outperform and generally have more content and graphics."

regardless of what games he picks, it is stupid to compare the consoles multiplat games because they are just so different in capability and style.

Shaun White, COD, are like completely different games.


Heh and yet you still don't get what the thread is talking about, ignore the points that Wii version of Guitar Hero is directly judged vs the other versions like it or not, CoD Wii singleplayer is every bit the same as the 360/PC/PS3 they only cut out a few online aspects, and Shaun White was judged directly to the HD versions on both 1up and IGN and both said the Wii version was better.

So again the point of this thread is to state that you can't shrug off the Wii version of multiplat games as crap as many fanboys like to do.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

MaxwellGT2000 said:
joora said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
Ari_Gold said:
i agree with mr bubbles, reviewers have come up with a different way to review Wii games, and don't compare them directly to their HD counterparts.


Well to be quite honest, you're ideas are usually wrong = I mean you said you beat me at Mario Kart when I didn't even play you and the only way you could have played me is joining a game my friend was playing while I was away.

That and the fact... that well facts say otherwise just like Gnizmo pointed out, people are directly comparing games like Shaun White, Guitar Hero, and Call of Duty on all the platforms vs each other, it's just usually Wii reviewers take the HD counterpart into the review while the HD review rarely takes anything from the Wii review, usually only compairing 360 vs PS3, cause they love to leave out the fact that Dual Analog sucks for FPS and Wii remote and Mouse and KB destroy it.


I prefer the term obliterate :)


Am I the only one that sees the irony in two consoles that base themselves on big FPS "hardcore" titles, yet these so called "hardcore" gamers don't even seem to realize they're playing with inferior controls and therefore the inferior version of the game?  I mean PC has better graphics, controls, (usually) mod support, and much better online with more players and dedicated servers, and on top of it all the games cost ten dollars less!

probably the same reason you got CoD for wii


Ari_Gold said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
Ari_Gold said:
i agree with mr bubbles, reviewers have come up with a different way to review Wii games, and don't compare them directly to their HD counterparts.


Well to be quite honest, you're ideas are usually wrong = I mean you said you beat me at Mario Kart when I didn't even play you and the only way you could have played me is joining a game my friend was playing while I was away.

That and the fact... that well facts say otherwise just like Gnizmo pointed out, people are directly comparing games like Shaun White, Guitar Hero, and Call of Duty on all the platforms vs each other, it's just usually Wii reviewers take the HD counterpart into the review while the HD review rarely takes anything from the Wii review, usually only compairing 360 vs PS3, cause they love to leave out the fact that Dual Analog sucks for FPS and Wii remote and Mouse and KB destroy it

geez not that crap again. You're posting your opinion as a fact, and to be quite honest, its bad for vgchartz. Your opinions are different than mine, that doesn't make them the absolute truth you know. This is a place for civil discussion, not just I THINK Wii MOTE IS BETTER.. BLA BLA BLA...  Dual Analogs don't suck for FPS, for every person that hates Dual Analog, theres another one that hates Wii remote. Yes the Mouse and KB destroys everything including the Wiimote, but thats not what this thread is about huh?



Whenever you want to play mario kart just say it, i'll gladly admit defeat.



Facts are facts, fact dual analog is not as fast as Mouse & KB nor Wii remote for FPS, fact dual analog is not as dead on accurate as Mouse & KB or Wii remote without an auto lock feature, fact dual analog takes longer to do a quick look around then Wii remote and Mouse & KB.  Those are undisputable facts and thing is with FPS games control is everything, the faster you can move, turn, aim, and react is the difference between winning and losing.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

MaxwellGT2000 said:
theprof00 said:

I edited my post, here is an addition.

"Not only that, but I thought everyone knew that reviewers base their scores on that platform's other games. For example, how can you give a console game a score and then the pc game the same score or lower even though the PC one will outperform and generally have more content and graphics."

regardless of what games he picks, it is stupid to compare the consoles multiplat games because they are just so different in capability and style.

Shaun White, COD, are like completely different games.


Heh and yet you still don't get what the thread is talking about, ignore the points that Wii version of Guitar Hero is directly judged vs the other versions like it or not, CoD Wii singleplayer is every bit the same as the 360/PC/PS3 they only cut out a few online aspects, and Shaun White was judged directly to the HD versions on both 1up and IGN and both said the Wii version was better.

So again the point of this thread is to state that you can't shrug off the Wii version of multiplat games as crap as many fanboys like to do.

That is not the point of this thread at all, it is the point that you have made it into. Shaun white is a completely different game.

As far as the GH thing having the mic, don't get me started on how peripherals now make games better.

You have hijacked the thread into what you want it to be because your stance is a lot better than the OP's stance even though the spirit is both in the same place. I'm responding to the OP not to you, get that through your skull.


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I fink the Wii version of muliti-plat games will always be inferior.

640x480 resolution is nuffin compared to 1280x720 (HD consoles).

theprof00 said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
theprof00 said:

I edited my post, here is an addition.

"Not only that, but I thought everyone knew that reviewers base their scores on that platform's other games. For example, how can you give a console game a score and then the pc game the same score or lower even though the PC one will outperform and generally have more content and graphics."

regardless of what games he picks, it is stupid to compare the consoles multiplat games because they are just so different in capability and style.

Shaun White, COD, are like completely different games.


Heh and yet you still don't get what the thread is talking about, ignore the points that Wii version of Guitar Hero is directly judged vs the other versions like it or not, CoD Wii singleplayer is every bit the same as the 360/PC/PS3 they only cut out a few online aspects, and Shaun White was judged directly to the HD versions on both 1up and IGN and both said the Wii version was better.

So again the point of this thread is to state that you can't shrug off the Wii version of multiplat games as crap as many fanboys like to do.

That is not the point of this thread at all, it is the point that you have made it into. Shaun white is a completely different game.

As far as the GH thing having the mic, don't get me started on how peripherals now make games better.

You have hijacked the thread into what you want it to be because your stance is a lot better than the OP's stance even though the spirit is both in the same place. I'm responding to the OP not to you, get that through your skull.



If you read and understand the OP he says

"I’m not claiming that the HD consoles do not have the upper hand in scores on a majority of multi-platform releases but I think the days of just taking that for granted are over." 

Which is what I've been stating to you, people take the Wii versions of multiplat games for granted and even on this site blow the Wii version of any multiplat game as trash compared to the HD versions when you can't do that with a lot of newer games that have come out and games that are coming. 

And I didn't state one single thing about a Mic in my point about Guitar Hero which just leads me to believe that you're not reading and/or understanding anything, I said the Wii version of Guitar Hero world tour is the exact same game as the PS3 and 360 versions including song creator and DLC but on top of all that has an extra jam out mode the PS3 and 360 versions lack which is why the Wii version gets higher scores.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

MaxwellGT2000 said:
Ari_Gold said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
Ari_Gold said:
i agree with mr bubbles, reviewers have come up with a different way to review Wii games, and don't compare them directly to their HD counterparts.


Well to be quite honest, you're ideas are usually wrong = I mean you said you beat me at Mario Kart when I didn't even play you and the only way you could have played me is joining a game my friend was playing while I was away.

That and the fact... that well facts say otherwise just like Gnizmo pointed out, people are directly comparing games like Shaun White, Guitar Hero, and Call of Duty on all the platforms vs each other, it's just usually Wii reviewers take the HD counterpart into the review while the HD review rarely takes anything from the Wii review, usually only compairing 360 vs PS3, cause they love to leave out the fact that Dual Analog sucks for FPS and Wii remote and Mouse and KB destroy it

geez not that crap again. You're posting your opinion as a fact, and to be quite honest, its bad for vgchartz. Your opinions are different than mine, that doesn't make them the absolute truth you know. This is a place for civil discussion, not just I THINK Wii MOTE IS BETTER.. BLA BLA BLA...  Dual Analogs don't suck for FPS, for every person that hates Dual Analog, theres another one that hates Wii remote. Yes the Mouse and KB destroys everything including the Wiimote, but thats not what this thread is about huh?



Whenever you want to play mario kart just say it, i'll gladly admit defeat.



Facts are facts, fact dual analog is not as fast as Mouse & KB nor Wii remote for FPS, fact dual analog is not as dead on accurate as Mouse & KB or Wii remote without an auto lock feature, fact dual analog takes longer to do a quick look around then Wii remote and Mouse & KB.  Those are undisputable facts and thing is with FPS games control is everything, the faster you can move, turn, aim, and react is the difference between winning and losing.

Facts are facts. The PS3/360/PCs FPS's have much better graphics, much better online, more players, dlc, voice chat, than the Wii's. Those are undisputable facts and thing is with FPS games, graphics are everything. They push the genre foward, a FPS with shitty graphics won't sell. Online play has to be up to standards, which were set up by Halo 3, or even CoD 4.


Hope you like some facts :)


^^^^ and the PC has better graphics, better online, more players, dlc, voice chat than ANY console. =) I guess if you're a REAL gamer, you play your FPS on PC. =p

theprof00 said:

This is what you don't understand. PC has the hacking community, PC has system requirements.
Consoles, have almost no cheaters, have a more difficult aiming ability (and therefore a steeper learning curve, allowing for good gamers to reach high scores fairly quickly),
have no system requirements.

BTW maxwell, where in the OP did it mention that quote?


 Oh wow, that is truely a novel concept to me. To praise an inferior aiming system because it actually steepens the learning curve. You have just become my new poster child for a previous posting about the social divide among gamers.

I hope I can quote you, because it alone would make me want to take the OP and rewrite it as an article for a gaming journal. That statement practically defines hte "warrior" demographic.