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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Days of Just Assuming that the Wii Version is Inferior are OVER!

Slimebeast said:
Grampy said:
Slimebeast said:
I fink the Wii version of muliti-plat games will always be inferior.

640x480 resolution is nuffin compared to 1280x720 (HD consoles).

and 1280 x720 is "nuffin" compared to  2560x1600 which is the resolution I gamed at on my PC (at least for those games that supported it) and yet I gave it up for the Wii because I liked the control system so much better.

So I guess not everyone rates games on the same attributes. Eye candy is nice but FUN is what I play for.


Lies. I saw u write that your PC was kinda weak, awhile ago, so I fink its not possible to run 2560x1600 on your PC to be honest. Or did u upgrade? 

Before you call someone a liar you had better make sure of your facts. Please try and show me where I said that. I happen to be a digital imaging and graphics professional. I work on 4 different desktops 2work and 2home and a notebook and none of them are or have ever been "prettyweak". They all are capable of playing any game I wanted to play at any resolution I want. Only one happens to have the 31" Dell Ultrasharp with 2560x1600 and SLI 9600s.

Even my lap top runs 64bits and has a rating of 5.0 which is lower than my desktops but pretty friggin good for a notebook.

In my profession there is no place for a "kinda weak" PC


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MaxwellGT2000 said:
Ari_Gold said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
Ari_Gold said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
Ari_Gold said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
Ari_Gold said:
i agree with mr bubbles, reviewers have come up with a different way to review Wii games, and don't compare them directly to their HD counterparts.


Well to be quite honest, you're ideas are usually wrong = I mean you said you beat me at Mario Kart when I didn't even play you and the only way you could have played me is joining a game my friend was playing while I was away.

That and the fact... that well facts say otherwise just like Gnizmo pointed out, people are directly comparing games like Shaun White, Guitar Hero, and Call of Duty on all the platforms vs each other, it's just usually Wii reviewers take the HD counterpart into the review while the HD review rarely takes anything from the Wii review, usually only compairing 360 vs PS3, cause they love to leave out the fact that Dual Analog sucks for FPS and Wii remote and Mouse and KB destroy it

geez not that crap again. You're posting your opinion as a fact, and to be quite honest, its bad for vgchartz. Your opinions are different than mine, that doesn't make them the absolute truth you know. This is a place for civil discussion, not just I THINK Wii MOTE IS BETTER.. BLA BLA BLA... Dual Analogs don't suck for FPS, for every person that hates Dual Analog, theres another one that hates Wii remote. Yes the Mouse and KB destroys everything including the Wiimote, but thats not what this thread is about huh?



Whenever you want to play mario kart just say it, i'll gladly admit defeat.



Facts are facts, fact dual analog is not as fast as Mouse & KB nor Wii remote for FPS, fact dual analog is not as dead on accurate as Mouse & KB or Wii remote without an auto lock feature, fact dual analog takes longer to do a quick look around then Wii remote and Mouse & KB. Those are undisputable facts and thing is with FPS games control is everything, the faster you can move, turn, aim, and react is the difference between winning and losing.

Facts are facts. The PS3/360/PCs FPS's have much better graphics, much better online, more players, dlc, voice chat, than the Wii's. Those are undisputable facts and thing is with FPS games, graphics are everything. They push the genre foward, a FPS with shitty graphics won't sell. Online play has to be up to standards, which were set up by Halo 3, or even CoD 4.


Hope you like some facts :)



Wow that would be great if I didn't say Mouse & KB in each one of my points, but then again you said graphics are everything... and that alone makes your point's fall rather flat... I mean gameplay says HI! I didn't know that seeing a pretty shiny thing in front of you was more important then being able to play it well... you've shown me the light Ari how could I ever be so blind... *rolls eyes*

Seriously to support the dual analog controls over much better controls is like saying you like the N64 with 1 analog stick vs dual analog... dual analog wins every time but times change, games change, and progress needs to be made, we've had 3 gens now of dual analog on consoles there's better choices out there now for controls, much better choices.


You're just too stubborn. Graphics really matter for FPS, its what drives the games hype, and sales. You are hyping the Conduit because of its graphics are the best on the wii, i guess it caught your interest am i right?


Actually you couldn't be more wrong, I support the Conduit based on it's controls being fully customizable more along the lines of PC customization (hmm I'm seeing a trend that all goes back to PC), a good Wii FPS not set in World War II, an interesting story about government conspiracy, 16+ multiplayer online, LAN support (none of that splitscreen crap), Wii Speak support, and hopefully no friend codes. That and the fact it's obvious these guys are working their asses off to make a quality game on the Wii and believe in it so much that they would make it an Wii exclusive. Plus they're wanting to push things so far as to use Wii motion plus when that will release just before the Conduit releases and will be one of the few games to support it.

So why would I support it cause it looks nice? I mean I got a huge list of reasons to support it that are ten times better reasons to support it then pointless graphics.


You two are kinda eatin each others red rings of death so i wont interrupt, ill just say this...YOUR BOTH LIARS, Graphics are all that matter to Conduit and the Wii remote eats little kittys for breakfast, which is why ANY half decent looking /playing FPS is wanted on Wii.

COD WW is unfortunately not the example we wanted or maybe it is, maybe its the best the wii can do or maybe its not.................

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

Hey Grampy, what is this Can Do project all about?  And what is your association with it?

The best explanation is in the August 1994 issue of National Geographic, I know because I wrote it. Alternativly there is a pretty good illustrated history at


I think we could see a lot more multiplatform Wii games being similar (or better) in quality to their HD counterparts in the near future ...

Back in the day a lot of PS2/XBox/Gamecube games had development teams between 30 and 60 people who worked on their projects for 12 to 18 months; in contrast a lot of current PS3/XBox 360 games have development teams that are much larger than 60 people and take much longer than 24 months to complete these games.

So far, a lot of multiplatform Wii games have been after-thoughts and were ports of the PS2/PSP version of a game which was (primarily) made to be a cheap cash-in on the marketing campaign for the HD console versions. I could be wrong but I suspect that the success of the Wii combined with the diminishing importance of the PS2 is leading more and more publishers to focus on producing a legitimate Wii version of most multiplatform games.

One advantage Wii games may receive which could enable them to be higher quality than their HD counterparts (in particular in cheaper licenced games like Shawn White Snowboarding) is that the Wii version could be started at the same time as the HD versions, which could (potentially) leave much more time to polish a game after completing all of the features.

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well, graphics are secondary to gameplay so the "hardcore" consoles automatically fail.

come try out the computer game i've been working on for my high school senior project, titled sling ball.


brawl friendcode - 3823-8201-9151

mario kart wii friendcode - 0387-9491-4552

PM me if you add me plz.


150vg$ bet(with haggy) mk wii 2009 worldwide sales > any 360/ps3 game released in 2009.

current mk wii worldwide sales (jan 9th): 553k

"well, graphics are secondary to gameplay so the "hardcore" consoles automatically fail."

Then why aren't you playing an Atari 2600?

Heavens to Murgatoids.

BTFeather55 said:
"well, graphics are secondary to gameplay so the "hardcore" consoles automatically fail."

Then why aren't you playing an Atari 2600? games play better

Wii games are judged differently than HD games. PS3 has the highest level to reach due to its superior graphics capabilities, second X360 and third - Wii. Wii games are judged mainly on the way they interact and the controls.

numonex said:
Wii games are judged differently than HD games. PS3 has the highest level to reach due to its superior graphics capabilities, second X360 and third - Wii. Wii games are judged mainly on the way they interact and the controls.


 Nice speculation, are you the ONLY reviewer for all the sites out there and just change your name? If you would just read the whole thread, especially the page before this about Grumpy posting some examples of Wii being compared to the other consoles, you would see that they have similar expectations overall.


Granted they won't judge the Wii too much on gfx, but if it is a total piece of crap then they will.