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I think we could see a lot more multiplatform Wii games being similar (or better) in quality to their HD counterparts in the near future ...

Back in the day a lot of PS2/XBox/Gamecube games had development teams between 30 and 60 people who worked on their projects for 12 to 18 months; in contrast a lot of current PS3/XBox 360 games have development teams that are much larger than 60 people and take much longer than 24 months to complete these games.

So far, a lot of multiplatform Wii games have been after-thoughts and were ports of the PS2/PSP version of a game which was (primarily) made to be a cheap cash-in on the marketing campaign for the HD console versions. I could be wrong but I suspect that the success of the Wii combined with the diminishing importance of the PS2 is leading more and more publishers to focus on producing a legitimate Wii version of most multiplatform games.

One advantage Wii games may receive which could enable them to be higher quality than their HD counterparts (in particular in cheaper licenced games like Shawn White Snowboarding) is that the Wii version could be started at the same time as the HD versions, which could (potentially) leave much more time to polish a game after completing all of the features.