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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 5 Graphical powerhouses exclusive to Xbox360!

This topic could've been done ALOT more better, seems to be done like this on purpose.

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I agree, imo GEARS 2 looks much better than all those games he listed.


leo-j said:

I agree, imo GEARS 2 looks much better than all those games he listed.

Except for Alan Wake of course. But yeah, seems like a joke topic, and a horrible attempt at that. Unfortunately PS3 fanboys will dance with glee when they see the first post and how bad it was done. I mean come on, N3 instead of SO4? No Halo: ODST? Sigh.


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250gig FFXIII SE Xbox 360, 250gig Xbox 360 S, black Wii, 120gig PS3 Slim, soon to be 3DS *___*

Its too bad the 360 doesn't have the power of teh Cell.

Lol, someone just had to flame.

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@ the Leo ban , cmon this thread was going to invite trolling regardless .

His post was a more "Just so you should know [eople are gonna flame this thread" rather than "Hey let's flame this thread together !".

OT: Threads pretty weak with only 2 screen shots and SO4 should be in there somewhere.

lol, I think leo's ban was v harsh. Only lasts for a day though.

ingame videos for these please? How do you know they're graphical powerhouses otherwise. Other than gears 2 anyways.

Garnett said:
Deviation59 said:
5 graphical powerhouses and you only have screenshots for two of them? And one of them is made by From software? And another is a sequel to the awful N3? And another that's never been seen publicly? And another that's in development hell?

Ah well, at least Alan Wake should be good out of those five titles. I have no idea if it'll qualify as a graphical powerhouse, however.

Splinter Cell Conviction looked pretty damned ugly in trailers that have been seen so far, though I've heard that they might be changing from the Unreal Engine to Scimitar, which was used for Assassin's Creed and Prince of Persia.

All games are made from software,N3 was a good hack n slash games (compared to the dynasty warrior series).


From Software is a development company.


That is an awful list. OMG, that was terrible. Only Alan wake on that list is going to be a graphical powerhouse and the truth is that we've only seen screens from the PC version. Gears and Gears 2 should be on that list unless we are talking about future releases only. I'm sure 360 will have increadible looking games this year but your list doesn't show that. At least put Halo Wars and SO4 or something.

As of now, graphically, it seems to me that the PS3 has a lot more graphical powerhouses coming out this year. That being said, I think that Microsoft will announce some increadible looking games that will come out this year later on where sony might have busted it's load already and shown us all the powerhouses we can expect this year.

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