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Forums - Sales Discussion - Within the next few months, Wii Sports will be the best selling game ever

So it's going to pass Solitaire, Free Cell, Tetris, and Minesweeper within the next few months?


Consoles owned: Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PSP, DS, PS3

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thx1139 said:
dougsdad0629 said:

Few, if any, games have actually lived up to what Wii Sports promised would be the future of Wii gaming. The VAST majority of Wii titles have the motion control either blatantly tacked on with no added value or they have fun implementations of motion control, but nothing overwhelmingly special. Even as fun as swinging your sword in Zelda was, it was only a waggle with no direct representation of what your hand was actually doing. Aside from a few games such as Trauma Center, what gaming experiences has the Wii given us that we couldn't get before by just pushing a button? For example, why are we 2 years into the Wii's lifespan and we still have yet to see a fully featured baseball game that lives up to the potential that Wii Sports offered? Hopefully Wii Motion Plus will change all of this. I hate to piss in everyones Cheerios here, but I believe that despite how fun it can be, the Wii has not even come close to living up to its potential and IMO is a disappointment thus far.


I have said this before. Usually get slammed for it.  Playing Wii Sports at my nephews I noticed that all I need to do is flick the WiiMote.  In reality how the WiiMote is advertised in reality is a fraud.  Advertisements make it seem that you act like a baseball player, bowler, etc. to play when in reality the WiiMote is just a motion controlled switch. Move the controller enought and the switch is thrown.

As far as I know the poster child for motion controls continues to be WiiSports and RE4 Wii. Two games that came out the first 9 months of the Wii existence.

How about a top 10 list of good Wii games that really make use of motion controls. Will any of them be 2008 releases?


10 good Wii games that make good use of motion controls? easy From the 13 games in my profile we get


Good use of it

1 Wii Play (seriously - play tanks, shooting gallery, pose mii they're very good)

2 Elebits

3 Kororinpa (alternatively Mercury Meltdown Revolution)

4 Mario Kart - 2008

5 RE:4

6 Metroid Prime Corruption

7 No More Heroes - 2008

8 Super Mario Galaxy

9 Wii Sports ( the boxing is acually brilliant use of motion sensitivity, all of the rest of them can be played with just a flick of he wrist, but its more fun not to)


Thats 9/13 of my games. The 4 that didn't make the cut are

Red Steel - it's ok, better than dual analogue, but not as good as it could have been

Brawl - Everyone i know uses GC controllers

Fire Emblem - doesn't use it (still good though)

Zelda - Twilight Princess - its good for a port of a GC game, but a zelda based around motion tech would be much better)


So now I need a 10th game, from the list of dozens of games that I want to own but don't

10 Wii Music!


I like how this thread went from Wii Sports being the best selling game ever to butthurt fanboys screaming that the Wiimote is a "fraud."

Cry moar. Then get N or get out.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

wow mario just got dethroned by a sampler game :P

Yeah it seems kinda sad to me.

I mean to me it's just fitting that Super Mario Bros. remain on the throne.

I could say Wii Sports was a launch title that changed videogames forever too, so it's similar to Super Mario Brothers, but we have yet to see that change. It was awe inspiring in the same way but, it just doesn't feel right to me.

I dunno. Wii Sports seems more like a glorified demo than an actual game to me, so I can agree with people who feel that it's a "gimick win" in a certain respect. Wii Play and Link's Bowgun training are the same way. I dunno, I still rate them as games, so I'm not overly of the opinion that "they don't count" or something like that, but yeah, I can see peoples argument for their needing to be a "8" by it or something dumb like that.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

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The most interesting aspect about this, is how many wiiSports owners will go out and buy Resort. I know I will and i expect at least 60% of ppl will.

Nintendo = Innovation = Wii

commando you have no idea how sad I am.
I do not have to explain why it is so sad, everyone knows why and are just trying to look on the bright side.

OGY said:
The most interesting aspect about this, is how many wiiSports owners will go out and buy Resort. I know I will and i expect at least 60% of ppl will.


I suspect that will depend on the price of the Wii Motion Plus by itself vs. it bundled with Resort.  Does anybody actually believe Wii Play sold well because it was a good game?  It sold well because it was only $10 more than buying a Wii-mote by itself.  I'm not into Wii Sports at all as I stated earlier, but if the difference ends up as only $10, I'm sure I'll buy the bundle.  On a side note, I suspect that by Christmas next year you'll see Resort and the Wii-motion Plus bundled with the Wii and Wii Sports available separately for $20-$30.

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.

I'll accept SMB at no.1 but its a disgrace to SMB to be overtaken by Wii Sports.

scottie said:
thx1139 said:
dougsdad0629 said:

Few, if any, games have actually lived up to what Wii Sports promised would be the future of Wii gaming. The VAST majority of Wii titles have the motion control either blatantly tacked on with no added value or they have fun implementations of motion control, but nothing overwhelmingly special. Even as fun as swinging your sword in Zelda was, it was only a waggle with no direct representation of what your hand was actually doing. Aside from a few games such as Trauma Center, what gaming experiences has the Wii given us that we couldn't get before by just pushing a button? For example, why are we 2 years into the Wii's lifespan and we still have yet to see a fully featured baseball game that lives up to the potential that Wii Sports offered? Hopefully Wii Motion Plus will change all of this. I hate to piss in everyones Cheerios here, but I believe that despite how fun it can be, the Wii has not even come close to living up to its potential and IMO is a disappointment thus far.


I have said this before. Usually get slammed for it.  Playing Wii Sports at my nephews I noticed that all I need to do is flick the WiiMote.  In reality how the WiiMote is advertised in reality is a fraud.  Advertisements make it seem that you act like a baseball player, bowler, etc. to play when in reality the WiiMote is just a motion controlled switch. Move the controller enought and the switch is thrown.

As far as I know the poster child for motion controls continues to be WiiSports and RE4 Wii. Two games that came out the first 9 months of the Wii existence.

How about a top 10 list of good Wii games that really make use of motion controls. Will any of them be 2008 releases?


10 good Wii games that make good use of motion controls? easy From the 13 games in my profile we get


Good use of it

1 Wii Play (seriously - play tanks, shooting gallery, pose mii they're very good)

2 Elebits

3 Kororinpa (alternatively Mercury Meltdown Revolution)

4 Mario Kart - 2008

5 RE:4

6 Metroid Prime Corruption

7 No More Heroes - 2008

8 Super Mario Galaxy

9 Wii Sports ( the boxing is acually brilliant use of motion sensitivity, all of the rest of them can be played with just a flick of he wrist, but its more fun not to)


First I hope that list isnt best to worst (of the top 10).  The only standout game I see that really uses motion control that I see on that list is Metroid Prime Corruption.   Now dont think I am slamming SMG or Mario Kart it is just that the motion controls arent really a requirement and arent core to the game.  Mario Kart uses the WiiMote in a wheel when if wheel was so important wouldnt the more immersive thing to be a real wheel controller.  For the most part SMG just uses the WiiMote to get stars (what I hate the most about Mario games) that a hard/tedious to get.  Also as good as it the game is the celebration of RE4 Wii when it is just a GC port with motion controls (good ones) is amazing.

At this point in its life to live up to the innovation hyped the WiiMote controls should really be providing something truly different and exceptional. They are not.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.