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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Should Killzone 2 have a "Helghast" Mode?

It seems to be a trend going on with the top sellers to have a mode where waves and waves of enemies come at you and you and a couple of friends must take them on. Gears of War 2 started it, Call of Duty: World At War followed it and should Killzone 2 include it? I think so, would stretch out the lasting value of the game and make this top notch game even better.

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No, but it should have a ZOMBIE Helghast mode. What wouldn't be awesome about that? As for the top notch thing, the in game videos look like Call of Duty.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Shadowblind said:

No, but it should have a ZOMBIE Helghast mode. What wouldn't be awesome about that? As for the top notch thing, the in game videos look like Call of Duty.


 They're both aimed at realism, so they're gonna feel sorta the same.

What I'm hoping is that KZ2 goes a little farther with the realism. CoD2 and the games after that were dumbed down when they hit consoles. Extra crap on the HUD to help the player, and even worse, the recoil on all weapons were reduced alot. It made the guns feel abit weak and way too easy to shoot. I've read around that KZ2 does a pretty good job at making you feel the weight of your player and gun, which sounds good.

About the idea, it probably wouldn't be as fun considering that KZ2 has no co-op. KZ2 won't have a wave-type thing, but I'm really glad that it has bots at least.

PSN: Parasitic_Link

I've always wanted to take that "zombie/horde/wave after wave" and switch the zombies or whatever, to rabid kittens or puppies or something...
or maybe Koala bears!


BottledSpringWater said:
I've always wanted to take that "zombie/horde/wave after wave" and switch the zombies or whatever, to rabid kittens or puppies or something...
or maybe Koala bears!


 My god... are you those kids father?

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meh i personally don't care for L4D gameplay but thats only a personaly opinion. I would however like a mode where i play as the helghast in single player. Also i wish that whenever i played as helghast i would see the world through there goggles. Somewhat reddish orange.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

kunaixhaku said:

It seems to be a trend going on with the top sellers to have a mode where waves and waves of enemies come at you and you and a couple of friends must take them on. Gears of War 2 started it, Call of Duty: World At War followed it and should Killzone 2 include it? I think so, would stretch out the lasting value of the game and make this top notch game even better.

Gears didn't start it.  It was also in every arcade game ever that I've ever seen.  Robotron, Smash TV, Geometry Wars, and everything in between.  Many games used to call levels or rounds "waves" for this same reason.

i would like co op and split screen.

and co op it's getting patched.

Um Gears didn't start horde but I can understand that misconception.


Exhibit A.



World at war hardly followed Gears 2. It came out 4 days later.

But I'd say maybe. If they could make it original somehow