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Forums - General Discussion - Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?

Obviously I am not. Considering these questions are downright unfair.

"Can horses sleep standing up?"

I have no fucking clue! Why would I learn this in First Grade!?

"Do orange and red mixed together produce a tertiary color?"

Oh yes, let us see if any 7 year old knows, or can even pronounce tertiary.

Then, there are five questions left. 3rd Grade Spelling is left up there.

The woman does 5th Grade Science.

The question is "What's the lightest noble gas?"

I didn't learn elements until 7th Grade!

Took me a little bit o' thnking, and said Helium. Girl says helium. Yay! $50,000!

4th Grade World Geography. "What European country has Copenhagen as a capital?"

How the fuck should I know! A 9 year old wouldn't know that question!

Obviously, the bastard children that sit in the desks get every single question right.

The answer is Denmark. I only know the capitals of England, Spain, France, and Italy for god's sake!

The woman loses and a new contestant comes on, considering that no American with a reasonable intellect would know that annoying question.

Next, 1st grade question for the new male contestant. "Do male turtles lay eggs?" Well no! Males don't lay eggs or give birth (except for the seahorse I think) you idiot! He had to use one of his cheats and got passed. Next question is too easy (1st grade).

Next question. 3rd Grade Geography. What state shares Iowa's southern border. I had no idea whatsoever, nor the contestant.. The answer is Missouri. I doubt though that an 8 year old could memorize the US map, or maybe I just had a slight mental block.

Then an easy question if you have one shred of musical knowledge. 3rd Grade Music. What is three or more pitches played together - Chord, Chorus or Octave. The motherf'ing idiot guesses octave. He is apparently a guitar player. I wonder if they purposefully get the mentally impaired to play on the show. The answer is a chord you dumbs**t He got a cheat and was able to continue.

Next question. 5th Grade World History. WAIT! There is 2nd Grade Spelling up there. Another 2nd Grade question as well. No! That is too easy! Let's jump all the way to the 5th Grade! Well, anyway. What conquistador conquered the Incan civilization of Peru? Damn. I should know this! I studied in last yea-

Hold up. This is a fifth grade question and I studied it in seventh grade? Bullcrap!

I was thinking Cortez, but it was Pizarro. The guy drops out and gets some money.

Now, here is my thought:

What kind of bastard is Foxxworthy to assign these questions that an excelled middle schooler doesn't even know! Granted I should have know a few questions, but come on! Would 6-10 year olds know this stuff?

And coupled with the politically correct term of impaired peoples, little money ever gets handed out.



Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Around the Network

I knew the answers to all those questions except the Iowa one (after all, I don't live in the US). And who doesn't know the capital of which country is Copenhague? Hell, they aren't asking you for the capital of Malawi (sorry for any Malawian), just for the capital of Denmark!. I knew that answer before I was in 5th grade

But I agree (when I once saw the localized TV show here) that the questions are not in the level of a 5th grader but higher. Still, it's a marketing trick, it wouldn't be as marketable if it was called "Are you smarter than a 15y.o. nerd kid?"

I am smarter then mevery 5th grader on Earth.

O-D-C said:
I am smarter then mevery 5th grader on Earth.

I do not know if this is sarcasm or not, but my innate sense of humor is telling me to make fun of you.


Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Those answers weren't very hard at all.

But I agree that yes it is harder then fifth grade work, however since the contestants are adults that shouldn't be a problem should it?

Around the Network

The show was originally entitled:

Are you smarter then our program writer who pays no attention to current syllabus in the educational system when making up ridiculous questions, the answers of which he slips on to the 5th graders in question?

They had marketing problems though, I heard.


If I can't beat them at brain, I'll just beat them at brawn.

I swear some of the questions aren't even at 5th grade level


Ergh, I hate the British equivalent, too (Are You Smarter than a Ten Year Old)... it makes me feel stupid.

Anyways, I'm off to write an algorithm to get me into the Informatic Olympiad, or whatever it's called.

I heard they give the 5th graders study sheets to prepare for the show, and most adults on the show are retarded.

Nintendo still doomed?
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