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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Prince of Persia is this gens Okami

It's the very definition of eye candy. Like Okami, this is a game that's just as enjoyable to look at as it is to play.

Cel shading is so 5 years ago, but Ubisoft has packed a ton of little details into the characters and environments and coupled them with "normal" texturing. The end result is breathtaking. I want the next Zelda to look like this.

But other than that, this is just a really, really good game. It's actually challenging Mario Galaxy as my 2nd favourite game this gen (you can probably guess the first >_>)

So yeah... buy it! :3

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but better.... :P

It looks good, I watched the GT review and thought the world looked amazing. How you guys liking it, I'm considering getting it myself.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

I'm getting the limited edition for Christmas, woot!

Oh, and if anyone's worried about it being too easy... don't.

Yeah, it's true, you'll never see a game over screen because Elika will ALWAYS save your life, but it's really just a way to disguise checkpoints. I actually like it. It makes the whole game feel kinda seamless.

There are still some really frustrating platforming sequences here and there and the combat is quite challenging at times.

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whats the first??

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:
whats the first??



....But I'm playing okami right now...

Former something....

BTW how long is it??

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:
BTW how long is it??

I think I'm just over halfway through, and it's taken me 7 hours so far.

It's the sort of game that you'll wanna play through multiple times. Like Uncharted :)