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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Real Difference Between Hardcore and Casual is Social Not Gaming

[Warning – long post and one that uses a lot of broad generalizations to keep it from being even longer]

The reason for the division between “Casual Gamers” and “Hardcore Gamers” is more a social issue than a gaming issue. It reflects with surprising accuracy the normal and expected behavior of some distinct demographic groups.

I’ve never seen an exact number but I think it is no secret that the vast majority of “Hardcore” gamers are males between adolescence and 35. This is far and away the most competitive and aggressive group in society. They tend to bond primarily with their peers and have less interest in interacting with people outside that group.  Excluding a desire to interact with members of the opposite sex which is a wholly different type of interaction and somewhat limited. In other words they may be strongly attracted to a particular female but no desire to hang out with a group of females or participate in “female” activities.
This group is very anxious to demonstrate their prowess, and protective of their “turf”. This desire to bond with peers in shared competitive/aggressive behavior in its unhealthiest form would include street gangs and in a more acceptable form in joining a clan and participating in an intense aggressive and competitive online game. FPS games are especially popular.

This is not meant as a criticism of this group. They are genetically and hormonal programmed this way since they are the warriors class that protect the rest of us.

Females of all ages and younger and older males tend to be socially less isolated and more inclusive in the groups they are willing to participate in activities with. They are generally less aggressive and competitive. They are more likely to tolerate interacting with people of a much lower skill level, such as very young children.

Now we have two basic types of gaming console. One type is particularly well suited to immersive, realistic and often violent games. The other has a much shorter learning curve and is much more accessible. “Even my grandmother can play Wii sport”, “I have a Wii mainly because of – my girlfriend – my younger brother – parties”

So is it surprising that the core fans of the HD consoles are male, 15-35, that like to play games like COD4, GTA, MGS. They like intense competitive play but exclusively with their peers. As Sony put it “we don’t care about the golden agers.” They look down their nose at “Casual” gamers who play games that are less aggressive and competitive “Wii Fit isn’t even a game” “GH is a very casual game wjich is why it sold best on the Wii” (a quote from a forum today). These gamers are xenophobic enough about their gaming that they resent and feel threatened that these “casual” types even call themselves gamers. “It’s like calling yourself a war veteran when you never had anything but a squirt gun.”(Also from a forum posting today.)

The difference with everyone outside this group is they are more likely to enjoy a game that isn’t so competitive or even goal oriented – Nintendogs. They also are more social and like games that permit a wider range of skill levels. They are not necessarily looking for as immersive an experience and gaming is less likely to be a central part of their life and their identity. The only thing is that there are more of them so their preferred console sells more units.


Arguably the most well balanced individuals are those that have both a HD console and a Wii because they are able to satisfy their competitive as well as their socialization needs.

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Kudos. This is an excellent post. Spot on really.

I'm too tired to read your whole post but on the basis of the title alone i'd say your on to something.

is this another malstrom post? LAME!!

Thanks, I didn't think anyone was going to read it but it is so apparent that we are watching people just doing what they are programed to do. It was just I was seeing so much great material in the forums today. When I read that guy who was outraged and disgusted that these people called themselves gamers and compared it to falsely claiming to be a military veteran ... I couldn't stop from writing.

Around the Network

100% my feelings, sir.  Even Heath Ledger agrees.


And he's dead.  It's impossible for you to be wrong, because a dead guy agrees with you!

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
GLoRySoGLoRy said:
is this another malstrom post? LAME!!


 Definately not!!! As the title said this is all about social groups NOT about gaming or gaming hardware.

Although I like Malstrom

Well, there are a lot of people that play simple games like Solitaire, mines, Brain Age etc that are not social at all. And the so called "hardcore" also play online or locally with friends FPS, Sports, etc. So I don't agree at all.

I think the word "hardcore" was invented by experienced gamers to separate themselves from the new gamers, most of them in the range of 15-35. The problem with this "hardcore" is the way they look at the industry, where they look at themselves as the smartest and most important market, and ALL games should satisfy them. They don't or can't understand people may have different tastes than them, and if a game don't satisfy them they label it as Casual or Kiddy.

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Great post and I'm glad you included the quotations because that would answer the stereotype not the technical.

Technically, the difference between a hardcore gamer and casual gamer depends on time spent in a set time period. That is the only difference.

But considering you used quotations we are dealing with the stereotypes of what these groups are and thus this makes a hell of a lot of sense. I personally don't give much thought to stereotypes and preconceptions about certain groups because I deal with technicalities and facts. But if we were to discuss the stereotypes of the groups then this would be quite a good analysis which is why I give kudos to you. Well thought out but I'm sure the supposed hardcore gamers are going to feel slightly offended by it. Makes them sound elitist twenty somethings who haven't come out of their mom's basement in over 10 years. Of course, the way they describe their stereotype, this is how they make themselves sound.

Certainly the hard core gamer who compared casual gamers to people who pretended to be war heroes is the poster child for this group.

And like I said, I do not feel I can criticize a group for behaving in ways that a million years of evolution and high levels of testosterone compell them to behave and I am not unaware of the debt we owe them for the many times in history that they have sacrificed their lives to protect their families and societies.

And also, quite a large number have a Wii as a secondary console which alone means they are not sterotypical but multifaceted.