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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who's right, Sony or VGC?

So I've been reading in various articles that Sony says they're 300k ahead of MS in EU, while VGC has them 1 mil behind, after PS3's been losing handily to the 360 in Others.

Now, I'd expect sales in non-EU others regions to favor the PS3 over 360, so there's just no way we can explain away the discrepancy.


So, Sony bsing, or VGC undertracking PS3/overtracking 360?


As a Sony fan, I'd like to believe Sony's right. But I also trust VGC a good bit, so iono. What do you guys think?

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes

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I am right!

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


chenguo4 said:

So I've been reading in various articles that Sony says they're 300k ahead of MS in EU, while VGC has them 1 mil behind, after PS3's been losing handily to the 360 in Others.

Now, I'd expect sales in non-EU others regions to favor the PS3 over 360, so there's just no way we can explain away the discrepancy.


So, Sony bsing, or VGC undertracking PS3/overtracking 360?


As a Sony fan, I'd like to believe Sony's right. But I also trust VGC a good bit, so iono. What do you guys think?



You know what the bolded sentence in the quoting is called? We usually call it "talking out of your ass!"

Why? Cuz you can't even bother giving support behind your argument :D

What are you looking at, nerd?

sony might have been right about europe, but vg tracks others which includes more then just europe right?


Well, guess what...

Just had a look at the VG numbers, and they are interesting:

- UK: 360 is well ahead, by around 1.1m
- Rest of Europe: PS3 well ahead, by around 1.0m - 1.2m

So depending how old the numbers they are using, and taking into account 5%-10% error - the PS3 could easily have (been) ahead in Europe by 300k recently.

But for 'others'... 360 holds a healthy lead (500k-600k+), and they also lead in Australia by a significant margin.

So Europe is still close to a 360/PS3 stalemate at the moment, with the momentum leaning towards MS. But when the other countries taken into account, MS hold a reasonable advantage.

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

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I think they are "statistically" close to each other. Essentially tied.

Doesn't VGChartz track numbers from stores to consumers?

Where Sony most likely would track from warehouse to stores?


It's not like stores would sit on a stockpile of merchandise or anything. Can you imagine a store with products in them? *gasp*


There's your discrepency. You're measuring two different things

Sony promised me "Home" in 2007. I think they've been hiding my medication too! I don't trust those guys!

*holds pocketbook firmly against body*

Now ioi....he's such a sweet young man. Very trustworthy!

The quote was PAL which is defined differently by Sony from what Microsoft was saying earlier as "EMEA".

Sony, as a Japanese company includes pretty much everything outside the Americas and Japan in PAL, but EMEA refers to Europe, Middle East, and Africa.

Our definitions are a bit different:

Americas - Canada to Argentina

Japan - Japan

Others - Everything else


All this posturing seems a bit irrelevant anyway. PS3 is going to destroy 360 in Europe long term (i.e. if Sony can drop price sometime in the next six months). Its taken three years of games, two skus under the price of Wii (and 1/3 the price of PS3 i believe) for Microsoft to sell significantly more 360s than PS3s in Europe on a weekly basis.

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu

TheSource said:

All this posturing seems a bit irrelevant anyway. PS3 is going to destroy 360 in Europe long term (i.e. if Sony can drop price sometime in the next six months). Its taken three years of games, two skus under the price of Wii (and 1/3 the price of PS3 i believe) for Microsoft to sell significantly more 360s than PS3s in Europe on a weekly basis.

It really doesn't matter what Microsoft has done to get its position in the market.  Adding that information in is an unnecessary qualifier.  The video game industry has a tendency to snowball (sales create sales).  Right now Microsoft just needs to get its system into the hands of as many people as possible and it doesn't matter what Microsoft is doing to get there.

As long as the 360 can retain a high value proposition, the PS3 won't be destroying anything.  As time goes by and more games come to the 360 that gets much easier.